Opera actions for keybinds
flyerua last edited by
As you most likely know, you can't easily customize short cuts in Opera and that creates all kinds of difficulties to users who are trying to migrate from old Opera.
Currently, there is way to customize short cuts via file Preferences in Opera\profile\data\ by adding something like
"Basic": { "ReopenLastClosedTab": [ "Ctrl+Z" ], "SomeAction": [ "SomeCombo" ] }
Question is, where can I get list of actions like
from to re-bind other needed things? -
ruario last edited by
Windows defaults:
{ "Keybindings": { "Settings": { "AdvancedEnabled": false }, "Basic": { "AccessKeyToggle": ["Esc+Shift"], "AddBlankTab": ["Ctrl+T"], "AddToBookmarks": ["Ctrl+D"], "AddToFavorites": ["Ctrl+B"], "Back": ["Alt+Left","Ctrl+Left"], "BookmarkManager": ["Ctrl+Shift+B"], "CloseActiveTab": ["Ctrl+W","Ctrl+F4"], "ClosePrivateWindow": ["Ctrl+Shift+Q"], "CloseWindow": ["Ctrl+Shift+W","Alt+F4"], "Copy": ["Ctrl+C","Ctrl+Ins"], "Cut": ["Ctrl+X", "Shift+Del"], "CycleBackwardInActivationList": ["Ctrl+F2"], "CycleForwardInActivationList": ["Ctrl+F1"], "CycleToNextTab": ["Ctrl+Tab"], "CycleToPreviousTab": ["Ctrl+Shift+Tab"], "Delete": ["Del"], "DevTools": ["Ctrl+Shift+I"], "DevToolsConsole": ["Ctrl+Shift+J"], "DevToolsInspect": ["Ctrl+Shift+C"], "EditProperties" : ["Alt+Enter"], "ErrorConsole": ["Ctrl+Shift+O"], "Exit": ["Ctrl+Shift+X"], "Extension": ["Ctrl+Shift+E"], "Find": ["Ctrl+F"], "FindNext": ["Ctrl+G","F3"], "FindPrevious": ["Ctrl+Shift+G","Shift+F3"], "FitToWidth" : ["F11+Ctrl"], "FocusAddressbar" : ["Ctrl+L","Alt+D","Ctrl+E","F8"], "FocusMenuBar": ["F10"], "FocusNextPane": ["F6"], "FocusPreviousPane": ["Shift+F6"], "FocusNextWidget": ["Tab"], "FocusPage" : ["F9"], "ForceReload": ["Shift+F5","Ctrl+F5"], "Forward": ["Shift+Backspace","Alt+Right","Ctrl+Right"], "GoToEnd": ["End","Ctrl+End"], "GoToPage" : ["F2"], "GoToSpeedDial_1" : ["Ctrl+1"], "GoToSpeedDial_2" : ["Ctrl+2"], "GoToSpeedDial_3" : ["Ctrl+3"], "GoToSpeedDial_4" : ["Ctrl+4"], "GoToSpeedDial_5" : ["Ctrl+5"], "GoToSpeedDial_6" : ["Ctrl+6"], "GoToSpeedDial_7" : ["Ctrl+7"], "GoToSpeedDial_8" : ["Ctrl+8"], "GoToSpeedDial_9" : ["Ctrl+9"], "GoToTop": ["Home","Ctrl+Home"], "HideOpera": ["Ctrl+Shift+H"], "History": ["Ctrl+H", "Ctrl+Shift+8"], "NavFavorites" : ["Ctrl+Space", "Alt+Home"], "NavigateDown": ["Down"], "NavigateLeft": ["Left"], "NavigateRight": ["Right"], "NavigateUp": ["Up"], "NavStop": ["Esc"], "OpenDocument" : ["Ctrl+O"], "OpenLinkInBackground": ["Ctrl+Shift+Enter"], "OpenLinkInNewPage": ["Shift+Enter"], "OpenMenu" : ["Alt+F"], "OpenPrivateWindow": ["Ctrl+Shift+N"], "OpenWindow": ["Ctrl+N"], "PageDown" : ["PageDown","Space"], "PageLeft" : ["PageUp+Ctrl"], "PageRight" : ["PageDown+Ctrl"], "PageUp" : ["PageUp"], "ParentDirectory": ["Ctrl+Backspace"], "Paste": ["Ctrl+V", "Shift+Ins"], "PasteAndGo": ["Ctrl+Shift+V"], "PastePassword": ["Enter+Ctrl"], "Preferences": ["Alt+P", "Ctrl+F12"], "Print" : ["Ctrl+P"], "PrintPreview": ["Ctrl+Shift+P"], "QuickPreferences": ["F12"], "Redo": ["Ctrl+Y","Ctrl+Shift+Z"], "Reload": ["F5","Ctrl+R"], "ReloadFrame": ["Alt+F5"], "ReopenLastClosedTab": ["Ctrl+Shift+T"], "ResetZoom" :["Mul", "Ctrl+0", "Ctrl+Num0"], "Save" : ["Ctrl+S"], "SelectAll": ["Ctrl+A"], "SelectPreviouslyActiveTab": ["Ctrl+OemGrave"], "ShowContextMenu": ["Shift+F10"], "ShowClearBrowsingDataDialog": ["Ctrl+Shift+Del"], "ShowHelp" : ["F1"], "ShowTabMenu" : ["Ctrl+M"], "ToggleFullscreen": ["F11"], "ToggleKeyboardSelection" : ["F7"], "ToggleOverstrike": ["Ins"], "Transfers": ["Ctrl+J", "Ctrl+Shift+7"], "Undo": ["Ctrl+Z", "Alt+Backspace"], "ValidateSource": ["Ctrl+Shift+U"], "ViewSource": ["Ctrl+U"], "ZoomIn" : ["Ctrl+OemPlus", "Ctrl+Shift+OemPlus", "Shift+OemPlus", "Ctrl+Plus", "Plus", "OemPlus"], "ZoomOut" : ["Ctrl+OemMinus", "Ctrl+Minus", "Minus", "OemMinus"] }, "Advanced": { "Back": ["Z"], "FastForward": ["Shift+X"], "Find": ["OemSlash","Shift+OemSlash", "Div"], "FindInline": ["OemPeriod","OemComma"], "FocusNextFrame": ["3"], "FocusPreviousFrame": ["Shift+3"], "Forward": ["X"], "LoadAllImages" : ["I"], "ResetZoom": ["6", "Num6"], "Rewind": ["Shift+Z"], "SelectNextElement" : ["D"], "SelectNextHeading" : ["S"], "SelectNextLink" : ["A"], "SelectPrevElement" : ["E"], "SelectPrevHeading" : ["W"], "SelectPrevLink" : ["Q"], "ShowAddressDropdown" : ["H"], "ShowImagesToggle": ["Shift+I"], "SwitchToLeftTab": ["1", "Num1"], "SwitchToRightTab": ["2", "Num2"], "ZoomIn": ["0", "Num0"], "ZoomInMore": ["8", "Num8"], "ZoomOut": ["9", "Num9"], "ZoomOutMore": ["7", "Num7"] },
ruario last edited by
Mac defaults:
"Keybindings": { "Settings": { "AdvancedEnabled": false }, "Basic": { "AccessKeyToggle": ["Esc+Shift"], "AddBlankTab": ["Command+T"], "AddToBookmarks": ["Command+D"], "AddToFavorites": ["Command+B"], "Back": ["Command+Left"], "BookmarkManager": ["Command+Shift+B"], "CloseActiveTab": ["Command+W", "Ctrl+F4"], "ClosePrivateWindow": ["Ctrl+Shift+Q"], "CloseWindow": ["Command+Shift+W"], "Copy": ["Command+C"], "Cut": ["Command+X"], "CycleBackwardInActivationList": ["Ctrl+F2"], "CycleForwardInActivationList": ["Ctrl+F1"], "CycleToNextTab": ["Ctrl+Tab", "Command+Alt+Right"], "CycleToPreviousTab": ["Ctrl+Shift+Tab", "Command+Alt+Left"], "Delete": ["Del"], "DevTools": ["Command+Alt+I"], "DevToolsConsole": ["Command+Alt+J"], "DevToolsInspect": ["Command+Alt+C"], "EditProperties" : ["Command+i"], "ErrorConsole": ["Command+Shift+O"], "Exit": ["Command+Q"], "Extension": ["Command+Shift+E"], "Find": ["Command+F"], "FindNext": ["Command+G"], "FindPrevious": ["Command+Shift+G"], "FitToWidth" : ["F11+Ctrl"], "FocusAddressbar" : ["Command+L","Command+E","Ctrl+F5"], "FocusNextWidget": ["Tab"], "FocusPage" : ["Ctrl+F6"], "ForceReload": ["Shift+F5","Command+Alt+R"], "Forward": ["Shift+Backspace","Alt+Right","Command+Right"], "GoToEnd": ["End","Ctrl+End"], "GoToPage" : ["F2"], "GoToSpeedDial_1" : ["Command+1"], "GoToSpeedDial_2" : ["Command+2"], "GoToSpeedDial_3" : ["Command+3"], "GoToSpeedDial_4" : ["Command+4"], "GoToSpeedDial_5" : ["Command+5"], "GoToSpeedDial_6" : ["Command+6"], "GoToSpeedDial_7" : ["Command+7"], "GoToSpeedDial_8" : ["Command+8"], "GoToSpeedDial_9" : ["Command+9"], "GoToTop": ["Home","Ctrl+Home"], "HideOpera": ["Command+H"], "History": ["Command+Shift+H", "Command+Alt+2"], "NavFavorites" : ["Command+Home"], "NavigateDown": ["Down"], "NavigateLeft": ["Left"], "NavigateRight": ["Right"], "NavigateUp": ["Up"], "NavStop": ["Esc"], "OpenDocument" : ["Command+O"], "OpenLinkInBackground": ["Command+Shift+Enter"], "OpenLinkInNewPage": ["Command+Enter"], "OpenMenu" : ["Command+M"], "OpenPrivateWindow": ["Command+Shift+N"], "OpenWindow": ["Command+N"], "PageDown" : ["PageDown","Space"], "PageLeft" : ["Command+PageUp"], "PageRight" : ["Command+PageDown"], "PageUp" : ["PageUp"], "ParentDirectory": ["Command+Backspace"], "Paste": ["Command+V","Meta+Y"], "PasteAndGo": ["Command+Shift+V"], "PastePassword": ["Command+Alt+Enter"], "Preferences": [], "Print" : ["Command+P"], "PrintPreview": ["Command+Shift+P"], "QuickPreferences": ["Alt+F12"], "Redo": ["Command+Y","Command+Shift+Z"], "Reload": ["F5","Command+R"], "ReloadFrame": ["Alt+F5"], "ReopenLastClosedTab": ["Command+Shift+T"], "ResetZoom" :["Mul", "Command+0", "Command+Num0"], "Save" : ["Command+S"], "SelectAll": ["Command+A"], "SelectPreviouslyActiveTab": ["Ctrl+OemGrave"], "ShowClearBrowsingDataDialog": ["Command+Shift+Backspace"], "ShowContextMenu": ["Command+Shift+M"], "ShowHelp" : ["Command+Shift+OemSlash"], "ShowTabMenu" : [ "Command+Alt+T", "Ctrl+M" ], "SwitchToRightTab": ["Command+Shift+Right"], "SwitchToLeftTab": ["Command+Shift+Left"], "ToggleFullscreen": ["Command+Ctrl+F"], "TogglePresentationMode": ["Command+Shift+F"], "ToggleKeyboardSelection" : ["F7"], "ToggleOverstrike": ["Ins"], "Transfers": ["Command+J"], "Undo": ["Command+Z"], "ValidateSource": ["Command+Shift+U"], "ViewSource": ["Command+U", "Command+Alt+U"], "ZoomIn" : ["Command+OemPlus", "Command+Shift+OemPlus", "Shift+OemPlus", "Command+Plus", "Plus", "OemPlus"], "ZoomOut" : ["Command+OemMinus", "Command+Minus", "Minus", "OemMinus"] }, "Advanced": { "Back": ["Z"], "FastForward": ["Shift+X"], "Find": ["OemSlash","Shift+OemSlash", "Div"], "FindInline": ["OemPeriod","OemComma"], "FocusNextFrame": ["3"], "FocusPreviousFrame": ["Shift+3"], "Forward": ["X"], "LoadAllImages" : ["I"], "ResetZoom": ["6", "Num6"], "Rewind": ["Shift+Z"], "SelectNextElement" : ["D"], "SelectNextHeading" : ["S"], "SelectNextLink" : ["A"], "SelectPrevElement" : ["E"], "SelectPrevHeading" : ["W"], "SelectPrevLink" : ["Q"], "ShowAddressDropdown" : ["H"], "ShowImagesToggle": ["Shift+I"], "SwitchToLeftTab": ["1", "Num1"], "SwitchToRightTab": ["2", "Num2"], "ZoomIn": ["0", "Num0"], "ZoomInMore": ["8", "Num8"], "ZoomOut": ["9", "Num9"], "ZoomOutMore": ["7", "Num7"] },
ruario last edited by
Linux defaults:
Keybindings": { "Settings": { "AdvancedEnabled": false }, "Basic": { "AccessKeyToggle": ["Esc+Shift"], "AddBlankTab": ["Ctrl+T"], "AddToBookmarks": ["Ctrl+D"], "AddToFavorites": ["Ctrl+B"], "Back": ["Alt+Left","Ctrl+Left"], "BookmarkManager": ["Ctrl+Shift+B"], "CloseActiveTab": ["Ctrl+W","Ctrl+F4"], "ClosePrivateWindow": ["Ctrl+Shift+Q"], "CloseWindow": ["Ctrl+Shift+W","Alt+F4"], "Copy": ["Ctrl+C","Ctrl+Ins"], "Cut": ["Ctrl+X", "Shift+Del"], "CycleBackwardInActivationList": ["Ctrl+F2"], "CycleForwardInActivationList": ["Ctrl+F1"], "CycleToNextTab": ["Ctrl+Tab"], "CycleToPreviousTab": ["Ctrl+Shift+Tab"], "Delete": ["Del"], "DevTools": ["Ctrl+Shift+I"], "DevToolsConsole": ["Ctrl+Shift+J"], "DevToolsInspect": ["Ctrl+Shift+C"], "EditProperties" : ["Alt+Enter"], "ErrorConsole": ["Ctrl+Shift+O"], "Exit": ["Ctrl+Q","Ctrl+Shift+X"], "Extension": ["Ctrl+Shift+E"], "Find": ["Ctrl+F"], "FindNext": ["Ctrl+G","F3"], "FindPrevious": ["Ctrl+Shift+G","Shift+F3"], "FitToWidth" : ["F11+Ctrl"], "FocusAddressbar" : ["Ctrl+L","Alt+D","Ctrl+E","F8"], "FocusMenuBar": ["F10"], "FocusNextPane": ["F6"], "FocusPreviousPane": ["Shift+F6"], "FocusNextWidget": ["Tab"], "FocusPage" : ["F9"], "ForceReload": ["Shift+F5","Ctrl+F5"], "Forward": ["Shift+Backspace","Alt+Right","Ctrl+Right"], "GoToEnd": ["End","Ctrl+End"], "GoToPage" : ["F2"], "GoToSpeedDial_1" : ["Ctrl+1"], "GoToSpeedDial_2" : ["Ctrl+2"], "GoToSpeedDial_3" : ["Ctrl+3"], "GoToSpeedDial_4" : ["Ctrl+4"], "GoToSpeedDial_5" : ["Ctrl+5"], "GoToSpeedDial_6" : ["Ctrl+6"], "GoToSpeedDial_7" : ["Ctrl+7"], "GoToSpeedDial_8" : ["Ctrl+8"], "GoToSpeedDial_9" : ["Ctrl+9"], "GoToTop": ["Home","Ctrl+Home"], "HideOpera": ["Ctrl+Shift+H"], "History": ["Ctrl+H", "Ctrl+Shift+8"], "NavFavorites" : ["Ctrl+Space", "Alt+Home"], "NavigateDown": ["Down"], "NavigateLeft": ["Left"], "NavigateRight": ["Right"], "NavigateUp": ["Up"], "NavStop": ["Esc"], "OpenDocument" : ["Ctrl+O"], "OpenLinkInBackground": ["Ctrl+Shift+Enter"], "OpenLinkInNewPage": ["Shift+Enter"], "OpenMenu" : ["Alt+F"], "OpenPrivateWindow": ["Ctrl+Shift+N"], "OpenWindow": ["Ctrl+N"], "PageDown" : ["PageDown","Space"], "PageLeft" : ["PageUp+Ctrl"], "PageRight" : ["PageDown+Ctrl"], "PageUp" : ["PageUp"], "ParentDirectory": ["Ctrl+Backspace"], "Paste": ["Ctrl+V", "Shift+Ins"], "PasteAndGo": ["Ctrl+Shift+V"], "PastePassword": ["Enter+Ctrl"], "Preferences": ["Alt+P", "Ctrl+F12"], "Print" : ["Ctrl+P"], "PrintPreview": ["Ctrl+Shift+P"], "QuickPreferences": ["F12"], "Redo": ["Ctrl+Y","Ctrl+Shift+Z"], "Reload": ["F5","Ctrl+R"], "ReloadFrame": ["Alt+F5"], "ReopenLastClosedTab": ["Ctrl+Shift+T"], "ResetZoom" :["Mul", "Ctrl+0", "Ctrl+Num0"], "Save" : ["Ctrl+S"], "SelectAll": ["Ctrl+A"], "SelectPreviouslyActiveTab": ["Ctrl+OemGrave"], "ShowContextMenu": ["Shift+F10"], "ShowClearBrowsingDataDialog": ["Ctrl+Shift+Del"], "ShowHelp" : ["F1"], "ShowTabMenu" : ["Ctrl+M"], "ToggleFullscreen": ["F11"], "ToggleKeyboardSelection" : ["F7"], "ToggleOverstrike": ["Ins"], "Transfers": ["Ctrl+J", "Ctrl+Shift+7"], "Undo": ["Ctrl+Z", "Alt+Backspace"], "ValidateSource": ["Ctrl+Shift+U"], "ViewSource": ["Ctrl+U"], "ZoomIn" : ["Ctrl+OemPlus", "Ctrl+Shift+OemPlus", "Shift+OemPlus", "Ctrl+Plus", "Plus", "OemPlus"], "ZoomOut" : ["Ctrl+OemMinus", "Ctrl+Minus", "Minus", "OemMinus"] }, "Advanced": { "Back": ["Z"], "FastForward": ["Shift+X"], "Find": ["OemSlash","Shift+OemSlash", "Div"], "FindInline": ["OemPeriod","OemComma"], "FocusNextFrame": ["3"], "FocusPreviousFrame": ["Shift+3"], "Forward": ["X"], "LoadAllImages" : ["I"], "ResetZoom": ["6", "Num6"], "Rewind": ["Shift+Z"], "SelectNextElement" : ["D"], "SelectNextHeading" : ["S"], "SelectNextLink" : ["A"], "SelectPrevElement" : ["E"], "SelectPrevHeading" : ["W"], "SelectPrevLink" : ["Q"], "ShowAddressDropdown" : ["H"], "ShowImagesToggle": ["Shift+I"], "SwitchToLeftTab": ["1", "Num1"], "SwitchToRightTab": ["2", "Num2"], "ZoomIn": ["0", "Num0"], "ZoomInMore": ["8", "Num8"], "ZoomOut": ["9", "Num9"], "ZoomOutMore": ["7", "Num7"] },
ruario last edited by
And you're right, though in old Opera both could be bound to Ctrl+Z
That is because the shortcut for the undo action considered context (what your last action was and where you last clicked in the UI). We do not have that functionality yet in new Opera, as it is not trivial to do well.
do not work. Any idea why?They have been reserved for use but we haven't chosen to enable them yet, since we have to deal with folders and we have not decided on how best to manage that. You can just unmap them all if you want to reuse
. To unmap them, just set them to be empty, e.g."GoToSpeedDial_1": []
Here are some further tips for others reading this thread on customising these values.
- Firstly locate your Preferences file (see
to find the profile directory, the Preferences file is found in there). - Before you edit shutdown Opera, the open the Preferences file in an editor (making sure you have backed it up first!)
- Add the new Keybindings section immediately after the first curly bracket:
Here is an example, of how the section should be formatted. I'll remap CycleForwardInActivationList (a.k.a. Activation Order Tab Cycling) to use
(thus placing it right next toCtrl+Tab
):"Keybindings": { "Basic": { "CycleForwardInActivationList": ["Ctrl+Q"] } },
Should you wish to remap more than one, remember the comma at the end of the line after the first entry. Additionally if you want to use a keyboard shortcut that is already in use buy something else, you will need to remap that one first. For example suppose I want
to be New Tab, instead of New Window. I first need to remap New Window to something else:"Keybindings": { "Basic": { "OpenWindow": ["Ctrl+K"], "AddBlankTab": ["Ctrl+N"] } },
New Window is now
(not a great shortcut but purely as an example) and New tab is nowCtrl+N
. Alternatively, you can simply unmap an old shortcut and not reassign something to it by leaving[]
empty.Note: If you mess up the json formatting, or enter otherwise invalid entries in the Preference file, it will be discarded. That is why it is key that you make a backup before you start doing such editing.
P.S. I also cleaned up the formatting of your original post for readability and removed the mentions of Next as the channel is now called beta. And in any case this applies to all Opera channels not just beta.
- Firstly locate your Preferences file (see
flyerua last edited by
That is because the shortcut for the undo action considered context (what your last action was and where you last clicked in the UI).
So it's planned for the future, right?
They have been reserved for use but we haven't chosen to enable them yet, since we have to deal with folders and we have not decided on how best to manage that.
Oh, hopefully you can enable them soon.
Anyway, thanks for your help.
ruario last edited by
So it's planned for the future, right?
Not in the immediate future as it is quite tricky to get right, otherwise the wrong action is undone. Additionally most people don't miss it (so it is not a priority) but yes I hope we can add it one day, as it is certainly nice to have.
In case you are not aware
is standard in all browsers to reopen last closed tab (even Opera 12 supported it in addition toCtrl+Z
). Therefore it is worth learning and getting used to IMHO. Thus if you use another's computer you can reopen a tab without thinking, no matter what browser they have installed.As a long term Opera user it was weird to me at first but now I am quite used to it and happy with it.
Oh, hopefully you can enable them soon.
Or perhaps we should use them for something else?
Anyway, thanks for your help.
You are welcome. It was a nice question and I was happy to help. I actually remap some shortcuts myself. For example, I really do have
set to Activation Order Tab Cycling. -
ruario last edited by
As you most likely know, you can't easily customize short cuts in Opera ... [snip]
We did consider a UI for editing these but it is on the back burner for now. Its a shame IMHO because it is a nice power user feature and something that other Chromium based browsers do not provide.
P.S. If you want to add additional keyboard shortcut actions and edit them I recommend the Vimium extension. It is not currently in our Add-ons store but you can install it from Chrome's store if you install Download Chrome Extension first.
xantares last edited by
Hmm, @ruario, so (for Win)
is assigned to the actionPasteAndGo
β that's what you read from the default bindings you posted.But in the context menu of textareas, that combo is used as βPaste as plain textβ.
So you that combo βconsiders contextβ to decide which action to perform. Why cannot
do the same and performUndo
in text controls,ReopenLastClosedTab
otherwise?But that's not my primary concern. I really hate the way Opera defaults to pasting rich text / formatted text. More often than not (almost always) I don't want some obscure formatted text (you never know in which form it will be submitted) to show up in forms and text areas. But I cannot find an action like
in the list of action verbs you posted β and which you claim is complete. Or isn't it? I'd really like to do a"PastePlain": [], "Paste": ["Ctrl+Shift+V"], "PastePlain": ["Ctrl+V", "Shift+Ins"], β¦
sc0tty last edited by
So I copy/pasted the keybindings for Windows into my Preferences file and now non of the shortcut keys work anymore.
Any reason why this could happen? -
Deleted User last edited by
This is great. I've been able to remap a few command (FocusAddressBar, for example), but I'd really like to override Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo to Alt+X,Alt+C+Alt+V,Alt+Z and those don't seem to do anything (the Preferences file seems to be fine and is not being overwritten or renamed as .bad.
Any special treatment needed for these accelerators?
sapsari last edited by
First of all, thanks for sharing this. I've been waiting for this for ages.
I'm trying to add
"OpenWindow": [ "Ctrl+Alt+N" ]
, but it is now working. "Ctrl+Shift+N" and "Alt+N" are working though. Any ideas? I'm using windows btw.