Hello, how can I disable the integrated pdf viewer Only
JairoTimbe last edited by
hello, how can I disable the integrated pdf viewer, the option in the settings, only makes that instead of opening in opera, the pdf is downloaded... what I want is that it can be opened with the adobe reader extension that I have installed from the chrome store because it has many features.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@jairotimbe You download the file and you can open it in any app you want.
JairoTimbe last edited by
@leocg thanks, maybe you don't understand me, what I want is that the adobe extension works, so it should open the pdf from the internet in the browser making use of the extension automatically, and not having to download the files. it may seem a whim but it is something very convenient when at certain times many files are reviewed.
donq last edited by
@jairotimbe Does Adobe reader extension work in Chrome/Edge like you want?
If not, then it won't work in Opera either.
If yes, then you may file support request either to Opera or Adobe. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@jairotimbe For a file to be opened, it needs to be downloaded.
Most probably the extension uses some API that is not supported by Opera. The PDF reader is the Chromium one and, therefore, the same used by Chrome.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
Installing https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adobe-acrobat-pdf-edit-co/efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ in Opera seems to work fine for me. PDFs load in that Adobe extension instead of Opera's built-in PDF viewer. And, once loaded in the Adobe extension, clicking "open in desktop app" allows you to open the pdf in the external Adobe Reader program instead if you desire.
pietw97 last edited by
I had the same issue. For some reason, in the extension settings of the Adobe viewer at opera://extensions/?id=efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj "Allow access to file URLs" was switched off by default. Turning the slider on fixed it