Confusing message in the email confirmation of bug reports
hucker last edited by leocg
Every time I fill in a bug report, some robot reads it, completely misunderstands it, and gives me advice on a completely different topic. I hereby give up trying to help improve Opera, it seems they don't want to listen.
hucker last edited by hucker
@leocg Er.... what? Bug reports like I said. As in
I can't remember what I sent in now, it was weeks ago, but I got this nonsense back which is nothing to do with what I asked:
Thank you for your report. Enabling Two-factor authentication to your Opera account adds an extra layer of security. Additionally, having an external Authenticator app on your smartphone makes it nearly impossible to break into your account. This functionality prevents anyone without the Authenticator app from accessing your account - please make sure that you don’t lose access to it. However, if you do lose your phone or accidentally delete the Authenticator app, you can still access your account by entering one of the backup codes that were automatically generated when you first set up Two-factor authentication.
No idea why some words are coloured in, that's the doing of this forum and wasn't in the email sent to me by the robot.
hucker last edited by hucker
@leocg I get it by email. But now I don't know if the report is filed or not. It says at the bottom "If the information provided above doesn’t help and the problem still occurs, please create a new form or attach more information to your report." But I did that the last time it sent that email (which was immediately after filing it!) And since it's been two weeks and it doesn't quote what I wrote, I can't add information and wouldn't know how to anyway.
hucker last edited by
@leocg So since it says "If the information provided above doesn’t help and the problem still occurs, please create a new form or attach more information to your report" then they will do nothing until I reply? But I already replied with this information, so it's gone round in a loop, although it was jammed for 2 weeks. Oh well, I can't remember what the bug report was now (since it doesn't quote it!)