Can't type capital letter on Craiglist search box
sporty78 last edited by
Can someone please confirm that this glitch is 'known' and, further, if it will be fixed in the next update:
-The inability to type a capital letter in the Craigslist search box. even though they can be typed in the URL field.
sporty78 last edited by
**Cookies have been cleared, the page has been refreshed, the browser has been closed (and re-opened), and the computer rebooted but the above issues remain.
sporty78 last edited by sporty78
I am referring to being unable to type capitals in the search box for 'Craigslist Vancouver' (as in Vancouver, BC, Canada).
Can someone replicate and post back please?
The keyboard is 'functioning' and capitals can be typed on all websites(Wikipedia, Ebay, etc) 'except' Craigslist. Postings are 'displayed' with the first letter capitalized but I cannot type a search with capital letter.
sporty78 last edited by sporty78
I can sign into my Craigslist account (using capitals) and I can 'create' postings *using capital letters) but I cannot perform searches using capitals.
Odd, indeed.