Opera GX doesn't log on into google account!
RavnusLennuryan last edited by
Howdy guys!
I'm trying to log on on my google account but it doesn't work.. it says that I gave to click on some number and choose yes but I don't receive anything on my phone, even resetint passwords doesn't work.
Obs.: I can still log on on any other browser, this is happening only on Opera GX
A Former User last edited by
You did add the DDD number correctly?
Like for the example DDD for brasil is +55 and i live in são paulo so it is 11 - 12345 4637
If you didn't receive any log message in your phone, that's means two options.
- The last Gx update is broken and needed to receive a new core. (The current core is: 93.0.4585.84)
- The message that you did receive is on the trash bin or another hidden file.
If not that case or the issue is still going on, please specify more on the problem.
RavnusLennuryan last edited by
@tonshi ty for the reply but the number is correct. Thedre is even a dropbox field where you choose the flag of your country, or the number code for that country... is the very same step to log in in every other browser and with everyone of them it works like a charm.
Tried a reinstall of the opera GX as well and it didn't worked for me, at least.