Make Opera stay running in the tray.
hucker last edited by leocg
As a workaround for the terribly slow "speed" dial which seems to never get fixed, I'd like to keep Opera running in the background so I can use Opera right now instead of in Ten Seconds. How do I go about this? And don't say "it can't be done". BTW, this is a 24 core Ryzen 9 3900XT at 4GHz with an NVME disk. So it ain't me.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
You need a 3rd-party tool. See for example.
hucker last edited by
@burnout426 The trouble with that is it doesn't do exactly what I'm after. When I've finished using Opera, I want to close all the tabs, but leave it in memory. No easy way of doing that, short of closing each tab in turn, then using one of the tools you mentioned. That would take longer than the time saving made on startup.
hucker last edited by
@burnout426 Chrome itself does it by default. You can stop it by right clicking the tray icon and saying don't run in background.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@hucker My Chrome doesn't have a systray icon. It just has a taskbar icon.
hucker last edited by hucker
@burnout426 Ok it's changed since I set it up. Now, chrome://settings/system then "Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed"
Strangely I see Opera leaves an icon in the system tray when I close it, but all it seems to be is an icon to launch Opera. Weird. Who launches programs from the tray?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@hucker said in Make Opera stay running in the tray.:
"Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed"
That doesn't leave any Chrome processes running when I close Chrome. I don't have any Chrome apps installed (which Opera doesn't support anyway) and no extensions that have a persistent background script running though. What apps/extensions are you running in Chrome?
hucker last edited by hucker
@burnout426 Install any persistant extension, I tried Browsec VPN for example. Without even enabling the extension, it left Chrome in the system tray, it's own task manager showed me it stayed running occupying memory.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
@hucker For this part, you can try adding
"C:\Program Files\Opera\launcher.exe" --no-startup-window
(adjust path to your launcher.exe) toHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
in the registry so that Opera loads into memory at startup/login of your user account.You'll have to test if that helps with your startup time of Opera or not though. And, you'll have to test if it messes with your sessions and opened tabs etc.
You could probably do this with scheduled task instead and specify the specific user.
When you close Opera though, those no-window processes will close along with the rest of Opera. So, not suggesting it as a solution for other things.
hucker last edited by
@burnout426 Thanks, but I never shut this machine off (apart from the odd reboot for an update). The problem I have is closing Opera then opening it later.
I've got 8 PCs and 2 smartphones running science research 24/7, kind of an addiction! And no that isn't the cause of Opera's slowness, it does it with that switched off.