Antivírus detecting malware in Opera topic
EL34 last edited by
Windows security scan is detecting and quarantining several Threats from Opera the last 3 days. Seems to be happening since 11/17/2022
I have seen Opera update itself a couple times the last few daysWhat is going on here?
Detected: Trojan:JS/GootLoader.AA!MTB
Details: This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker.container Files:
C:\Users\hoffm\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Cache\Cache_Data\f_03d2abC:\Users******\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Cache\Cache_Data\f_03c9b2
C:\Users****\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Cache\Cache_Data\f_03b8ae
EL34 last edited by EL34
Thanks for the info
I have my Windows 10 PC run full scans at night on the scheduler
Windows quarantines the issue and I have windows remove the threat when I see the issue pop up
It has reported one each day for the last 4 days
Different files each time in the same folderI followed the link to the folder where windows security is reporting these issues.
I just deleted all files in that folder and will see what happens tonight on the full scanC:\Users******\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Cache\Cache_Data\f_03de15
EL34 last edited by EL34
I got tired of seeing the Windows scan every day regarding this trojan message
Even if I deleted the item, the next day another one would be listed in the Opera AppData folder as shown in my first post.I uninstalled Opera on all my PC's and started using Firefox
I deleted all the Opera AppData folders
No problems since then -