Password not synchronized in Ubuntu
AxelStone last edited by
I've installed the most recent version of Opera in Ubuntu 20.04 and I've activated "Synchronize all".
Everything is correctly synchronized except passwords, even if they are marked. I've tried to logout - login, to select manually the password sync...but nothing works.
In any other device (Windows, Android) the passwords are perfectly synchronized.
Any idea? thanks.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@axelstone What opera://sync-internals says about password synchronization? Check the board on the right.
AxelStone last edited by AxelStone
@leocg Hello, I didn't know this screen, I get this error:
Error: MergeSyncData@components/password_manager/core/browser/sync/, datatype error was encountered: Failed to load entries from password store. Encryption service failure.
Something seems wrong. Thanks for your support.
AxelStone last edited by
Even more strange, try to export password in Windows to CSV and then import in Ubuntu, and nothing imported.
Something seems broken in password management in the Ubuntu version.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@axelstone If you check the csv file with a text editor and your passwords are truly in there, you can probably delete the "Login Data" file in Opera's profile folder (while Opera is closed). Then, importing should work and perhaps syncing of the passwords will work then too.
AxelStone last edited by
@burnout426 Hello, yes the passwords are there, I opened the file with LibreOffice. Right now I've disconnected my Ubuntu PC because of this problems, I'll try your solution in the following days and I'll update results,
AxelStone last edited by
@burnout426 Your solution worked: I removed all config, imported passwords and then login again and enable sync. Now everything is working, even password sync.
Thanks for your support everyone.
mm007emko last edited by
@axelstone Thank you for sharing your story on forums. Happened to me today (on OpenSUSE) when switching from one desktop environment to another. Your solution (delete everything from ~/.cache/opera and ~/.config/opera, importing passwords from a CSV file and turning on sync afterwards) worked. Maybe that different desktop environments have different encryption services and that messed up the configs?
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@mm007emko Yes, different desktops use different secure storage. There is the option to specify which type to use on the command line, if you frequently change desktop environments.