Using tab as search engine keyboard shortcut doesn't work
Nierninwa last edited by
After looking at the questions here a bit, what I understood is that you cannot change the shortcut letter for a search engine or remove the default search engines, which is really annoying.
However, I am having another issue. I have ticked the "tab" as a keyboard shortcut in the "Manage search engines and site search" section, instead of "space and tab", however I am still getting sent to yahoo if I start a search with "y" and then hit the space button which I do not want.I'd like a way to prevent this (is it a known bug?)
Thank you.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@nierninwa Not sure but I guess that the tab option showing up in settings to be chosen is a bug.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@nierninwa Yep, Opera doesn't seem to support the use of Tab, so the option shouldn't be there.
Don't know why they don't hide it.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@nierninwa This topic is about search engines keywords, so of course we are talking about the use of Tab related to it.
lopewolf last edited by
@nierninwa there are many ways to get around Opera's limitations about search engines, Vimium is one of them (you can set all the search engines you want in Vimium with the shortcut of your choice and setting one of them as the default of course, and you can use them via keyboard shortcuts).