Ctrl+B: Add the current page to Speed Dials
pclaudel1 last edited by
I am using both Opera Beta and Developer. For years I have relied on the shortcut Ctrl+B to add whatever page I was on to Speed Dial when I thought it would be useful to do so. At some point in the recent past, this option was eliminated from Developer, though it's still active in Beta (for now anyway).
Does anyone know if there is a way to reactivate the Ctrl+B shortcut?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@pclaudel1 Did you try changing the shortcut to bookmark a page in settings?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
Yes. The "Add to speed dial" command is gone now. This was an intentional change. See "DNA-100556 Confusing Cmd/Ctrl+B behavior in https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-90/. You must use ctrl + d now and pick the speed dial folder explicitly (if it's not already selected). Then, hit ESC to get rid of the dialog. If the speed dial folder isn't already selected, you'll have to use the mouse as the folder drop-down isn't keyboard accessible (long-time problem).
You can add ctrl + b as an additional option to the "add to bookmarks" command at the URL
if you like. You'll just still see the dialog and have to hit ESC to close it. -