How to add useful widgets to opera homepage in all types of opera browsers desktop?
FORESTWORKER90 last edited by leocg
I want the opera team to add widgets of time, notepad, to-do lists, shortcuts links, bookmarks shortcuts, and many more. Also a dedicated and visible search bar that can be resized and shifted anywhere.
There are many addons like infinity new tab that provide such kind of improvement and even brave browser allows to but opera seems to be backward in this even in 2022.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@forestworker90 As known, Opera doesn't allow changing new tab page.
However, there are some workarounds out there that you can try. -
FORESTWORKER90 last edited by
@leocg Don't allow change okay but can we have some widgets that are useful so it can complete the need for new tab addon that does give us some edge?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@forestworker90 You can suggest the ones you would like to see, each one with its own topic, in Opera in the proper section of the forum.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@forestworker90 Nope, you didn't. You didn't post in the Suggestions and requests area and you made a question, what doesn't match with a suggestion/request.
So what need is ti to create a topic suggesting, for example, the time widget and explaining why you think it should be added, following the instructions.
The same for all other widgets you would like to see in Opera -
Stoogiemeister last edited by
@leocg I want a time widget, because when i use oled main monitor and have Windows 11 auto hide taskbar, windows autohides taskbar on both monitors, meaning i can no longer see my time on my 2nd monitor, however if there was a widget of time in opera gx i could add that below the weather and see the time instead of not being able to see the time without alt tabbing out of a game to mouse over the taskbar to see the time. I always have opera blank screen up on 2nd screen.