I saved my ADR Files for bookmarks
A Former User last edited by
I saved my ADR Files (bookmarks) from Upera 12.17 but where do I import them for bookmarks? I now have Opera 24
A Former User last edited by
I did not move them How do I get Opera to find them and activate the Bookmark importer?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by admin
I did not move them How do I get Opera to find them and activate the Bookmark importer?
Opera should have done it automatically.
Try this: https://forums.opera.com/post/30835
A Former User last edited by admin
OK my old computer has 12.17. t has windows xp. My new computer has 24. It has windows 7. I want to delete opera from the old computer but I want to save my bookmarks. Can I convert my opera 12.17 to Opera 24 in the old computer??
I do not understand "https://forums.opera.com/post/30835" this too well.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Bookmarks - yes. In Opera 24 though passwords are specific to the user account ... if you need to import passwords you'll need to install 12.x to the new computer first and transfer your settings from the old computer, then install 24 and import your settings. (You can still get 12.17 from Opera's ftp site ...)
A Former User last edited by
OK I installed Opera 12.17. I then imported my bookmarks. So far so good. I then installed Opera 24. So where are my bookmarks now? Where is activate bookmark importer?
A Former User last edited by
Did you uninstall Opera 24 before installing it?
If so, it should have found the Opera 12 bookmarks and imported them.You should be able to import them now by running the following command -
"{Opera 24 folder}\launcher.exe --presto-small-prefs-dir={Opera 12 folder}"
The "Opera 12 folder" is the folder where your Opera 12 profile is stored, which should include the bookmarks.adr file.
Depending on your configuration, it might be in Opera 12's main folder, or in a users application data folder.
You can check the location by looking at Help>About Opera on Opera 12.
A Former User last edited by
What I just noticed is that I have 2 Opera browsers. I have BOTH Opera 12.17 and 24. Wasn't 24 going to replace 12.17??
BTW Where do I type in the command {Opera 24 folder}\launcher.exe --presto-small-prefs-dir={Opera 12 folder} ????
Also where is activate bookmark importer? -
A Former User last edited by
The bookmark importer has only appeared in the latest developer version 26, which happened today!
It doesn't offer the option to import from Presto Opera BTW, only Chrome, Firefox, IE and an HTML bookmarks file.
You can type the command line into the "run" box, assuming you're on Windows.
Press the Windows key +R to get to it.
Opera 12 and Opera 24 are completely independent pieces of software, one will not replace the other at present.
A Former User last edited by admin
What I just noticed is that I have 2 Opera browsers. I have BOTH Opera 12.17 and 24. Wasn't 24 going to replace 12.17??
Ooh, I've found this post