Opera for Mac is crashing topic
1ilion last edited by
All of sudden, it keeps crashing on my Mac. It opens and closes by itself for several times and just crashes. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall it, but it's till the same. Anyone have the same problem? Any help? TIA
wnlewis last edited by
@mezzeta said in "unexpectedly quit" alert:
Since update continually getting "unexpectedly quit" alert... any help?
I am likewise getting that result. When I properly shut Opera down, the next time I open it, I get unexpectedly quit. Running a Mac Pro with Mojave. Maybe the OS is too old?
rbjnazz last edited by
If you open opera using a terminal this will pop out even without a crash message
Terminal output:libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
it does not appear in previous versions
Xroaddog last edited by
Been having the same problem, ever since last update (Version:84.0.4316.31 (x86_64). Have done everything "Opera" has said to do ....3x...., still having problem. Also since this started I'm having to log-in to various apps continually, instead of only logging in 1 time. Getting very frustrating. Feels like a poor Beta version. Have been using Opera for years & now considering moving to a different browser.
kerryspirit last edited by
@holydragon2808 I have the same issue since a few weeks and can not find a solution online...
pablosdg last edited by
Same problem after updating to 84.0.4316.42 (x86_64)
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000020
Exception Note: EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY -
Jeromekem last edited by
Samer here. I'm on a macbook pro with Mojave. @Opera-Comments-Bot @ opera please update and remove this bug!
gingerbeardman last edited by gingerbeardman
So far four threads about the same issue on the forum Mac first page.
- https://forums.opera.com/topic/54249/launching-opera-pops-up-crash-message?_=1647874829858 (this one)
- https://forums.opera.com/topic/54652/opera-for-mac-is-crashing-topic
- https://forums.opera.com/topic/54412/false-opera-crash-report
- https://forums.opera.com/topic/54635/unexpectedly-quit-alert/3
I was told that updates had been disabled for older macOS until this is fixed, but that seems to not be the case as OK v83 always updates to problematic v84 for me on every launch.
USAJon last edited by
@gingerbeardman Same here for months on two separate macs that don't share any profile data or anything else. Super irritating. Browser still runs fine it seems but... that damn popup is very disconcerting.
lonewolf01 last edited by
I just updated Opera to v85.0.4341.39 , I believe it was .28 previously. And it just kept crashing. I did a reinstall and still same issue. In the end it started up with no extensions. But the minute i start adding extensions it crashes again. Even if its different extensions that i enable each time....But yet a couple of extensions made it through without crashing. Weird.
salaryfar last edited by
I was just about to post that I was having the same problem with build 84.0.4316.42 on macOS Sierra, but I updated to Opera 85.0.4341.47 and it's fixed now.
jude888 last edited by jude888
Re: Opera for Mac is crashing topic
Hello All, This evening Opera updated/Upgraded Itself. "https://www.opera.com/client/upgraded" this was what was in my address bar and the page didn't load. Just kept spinning and spinning. I tried other website and they didn't load either. Is anyone have the same problem and did you mange it fix it? I am actually using Safari now to be able to look at the forum.
Opera Version:85.0.4341.47 (x86_64) -
USAJon last edited by
@salaryfar macOS Catalina, however the new update from yesterday has fixed the issue on both of my machines.
jude888 last edited by
@salaryfar I am running Monterey and on my other MacBook I am running Mojave.
lonewolf01 last edited by
After the new update, Opera started working for me again with the extensions. Before that, every time i load it, it would crash and eventually after a few attempts it would load but with no extensions.