Trademark Infringement on Opera by Opera Solutions
lavanyadeepak 0 last edited by lavanyadeepak 0
Recently I just observed on Twitter that when I tag opera it is also suggestion operasolutions as the first option.
Though Opera Solutions has a Twitter Verified BlueTick I guess they are out of business and/or a cybersquatter because their homepage is a 404.
Hence I would like to bring to the attention of Opera team to see if their Legal Counsel can look into the issue right away.
I have reported to TwitterSupport and TwitterSecurity to here to review the #BlueTick Twitter Verified status on the said account
I have also reported to Intellectual Property Departments in India because Opera Solutions seems to be based out of here:
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@lavanyadeepak-0 For what reasons exactly did you report them and think Opera Software should take legal measures against that company?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@lavanyadeepak-0 By the way, according to LinkedIn, Opera Solutions is a company based on New Jersey, USA.
lavanyadeepak 0 last edited by
@leocg Here are the reasons to support Opera (Norway) henceforth called Opera.
- Opera Software has been in operation since for more than 25 years as a trusted Internet software brand.
- The words like software, solution when generically used sound synonymous for common man and particularly search engines and it could be deceive an innocuous looking visitor for Opera to get distracted to the new entity.
Hence on a goodwill gesture I wanted to bring this to the kind attention of Opera team.
lavanyadeepak 0 last edited by
@leocg There is another one here and hence I wanted to bring the same to the attention of subject matter experts
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@lavanyadeepak-0 Opera is a common word, I would guess that it can't even be trademarked in many places. Would be the case here in my country.