Websites not being "secure"
ShadowoftheDead last edited by
So recently my pc broke and they had to fully delete everything, and yesterday I got it back then when I downloaded opera gx it wouldn't let me access some websites for not being "secure" even thought they were secure before my pc broke and even if click the button where you go to the website anyway, it won't function right or better yet even load. This is really goddamn annoying, I've tried everything and figured its not my internet since the websites work on firefox and stuff. Someone please help, I really don't wanna switch to firefox cuz of this issue. My pc has windows 7 ultimate btw
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@shadowofthedead First thing to try would be going to Windows Update and make sure that you have installed all the updates.
ShadowoftheDead last edited by
@leocg Like to windows 11? I don't wanna do that really since I doubt my pc can handle it nor do I got the money for it, and if ur talking about windows 7, pretty sure I have all them. And wouldn't it work anyway? Because it worked normal before my pc broke now its just not its so annoying
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@shadowofthedead Nope, I was referring to Win 7 updates, specially security ones.
The problem is probably being caused by lack of (updated) certificates and since Windows 7 stop being supported by Microsoft, I don't know if you can get those certificates.
ShadowoftheDead last edited by
@leocg Okay, but all the websites worked fine before my pc broke so I don't know why this would happen. And it shows an error every time I try to scan for updates. Great. My pc is just garbage
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@shadowofthedead Also, make sure your computer is set to the right date. If your date is wrong, the computer will think the certificates are wrong.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@shadowofthedead If the OS needed to be reinstalled/recovered, maybe the certificates you had before couldn't be downloaded again.
When you click on the padlock badge, you see only what the image in first post says?
ShadowoftheDead last edited by
@leocg yes it apparently had to be recovered, they didnt tell me the details about it. And yes that's all I see when I click the button. But also idk if PC's use the same certificates for diff browsers but in Firefox the same websites work fine, so if the certificates are same for all browsers on ur pc then it's probably just an opera gx problem
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@shadowofthedead If the date was wrong I would restart GX just to be sure, but it probably isn't required. Of course if you didn't need to fix the date then that wasn't the problem.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@shadowofthedead If you click on learn more, what does it says?
temminckiiii last edited by
The displayed error may be shown when your certificate setup is out of date - if you’re using Windows 7, you have to renew them manually (since Microsoft doesn’t support Windows 7 anymore). A lot of websites rely on those certificates for authentication purposes. Please check whether the DST Root CA X3 certificate is still valid on your computer, and if you have the new ISRG Root X1 already installed by any chance. You can do so by running certmgr.msc in the command line (press the Windows key + R to bring up the Run command, and type certmgr.msc and press Enter).
If you don’t have the ISRG Root X1 certificate set up yet, here’s a quick-how to:
Download the ISRG Root X1.der certificate file from
Click the downloaded file to start the installation process (or left click and choose install).
Click install certificate.
Click “Next” on the next window.
Select “Place all certificates in the following store”.
Click “Browse” and select “Trusted Root Certification Authorities”. Confirm the changes by pressing “OK” and “Next”.
Finish the certificate installation by pressing “Finish”.Run certmgr.msc in the command line to check if the installation was successful (the ISRG Root X1 Certificate should appear under the Trusted Root Certification Authorities Certificate Store).
ABOUT FIREFOX: Browsers other than Firefox generally use the operating system's facilities to decide which certificate authorities are trusted. Firefox instead had certificate list as part of the browser, but that has changed. Maybe you have an old version of Firefox.