Where are stored passwords and form autofill data?
steaua10 last edited by
Where in Windows PC (in which profile file) are stored Opera passwords and form autofill data?
My Opera profile got corrupted, especially lost 80% of saved passwords and most autofill data, now I see even some old malformed entries. I have an backuped version of my profile. Which files should I replace from it? -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@steaua10 See https://help.opera.com/en/latest/crashes-and-issues/#backup
Saved passwords are stored in Login Data file. And auto fill data is in Web Data file.
steaua10 last edited by steaua10
@leocg Thanks!
Login Data Your saved, encrypted passwords, readable only on the machine that created them
Oh... This is why I can't recover my saved passwords. I have used O&O DiskImage to generate new computer SID and due to this probably Opera doesn't recognise anymore my passwords saved earlier...