About transparent images showing white/gray background
MaxCorT last edited by
Hi, well since a couple of days I've noticed that transparent images and animated gifs shows a white or gray background, how can I remove it?. I'm not that familiar with the browser, and I've checked the settings and can't find an option about this
Here's an example
Thanks for reading
MaxCorT last edited by
@sgunhouse A lot of times before I opened transparent images in a new tab, and it didn't show that background, In Google Images it shows the checkerboard but when I open it in a new tab it shows that solid background
mahurdx last edited by
I found a solution to this. There's a chrome extension called Transparent Standalone images. Now this is a chrome extension but I added it to my OperaGX too. If you dont know how to add chrome extensions in Opera browsers, you can google it and find some videos on how to do it. Adding this extension and restarting the browser made PNG images with transparent background have transparent background in preview finally,
YAY!!! Link to the extension :
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/transparent-standalone-im/inmelfailofaofnfdjdkljfchjhogbmh?hl=en -