Titlebar on Linux (1606 build)
wapfy last edited by
avi, I am using build 25.0.1614.5 on Debian Wheezy with GNOME 3 right now. You said "In Gnome Shell, we remove the title bar on maximization.", but after maximizing window the title bar doesn't disappear: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3jg3zy97qm8g9m9/opera_developer.png?dl=0 What am I doing wrong?
k0de last edited by
"In Gnome Shell, we remove the title bar on maximization."
avl: I can understand why this is. I do have a small issue with it however: When you assign it to the left or right side of the screen (with windows-key + left/right arrow) in GNOME 3. It will detect it as maximized, disabling the title bar. However, if you have multiple tabs open, there is no space to double click somewhere to have it unmaximized. In maximized mode, there is some space next to the "new tab" + icon to to this.
The only way is to use a keyboard short cut again to return to unmaximized mode. This could be resolved by adding the same space next to the "new tab" + icon as in fullscreen maximized mode.
research010 last edited by
KDE unfortunately doesn't support window manager hints for removing the title bar on maximization
Okay, but Chromium have option "Use system title bar and borders", so we want have the same in Opera.
ruario last edited by
We use system title bar and borders under KDE by default. Are you running the latest version or beta or developer?
ruario last edited by
Here are screenshots from 27.0.1676.0 (but it will also work in earlier builds).
With titlebar hidden via the method outlined above:
With titlebar shown:
research010 last edited by
I have Opera developer 27.0.1670.0, i can use this "workaround" outlined above, but it would be good to add a native option in browser.
ruario last edited by
For Gnome 3 it is default behaviour to strip the titlebar on maxmising. It is not on KDE. The default is to show the native titlebar, which we do. So you are not asking for nativity, you are asking for the opposite, a set of fake minimise, maxmise/restore buttons. We have no current plans to provide more fake buttons as they simply look out of place in most cases.
If you want more than the close button, leave the native titlebar in place. If not you will have to accept the compromise of only a close button. In any case you can maxmise/restore by dragging and minimise via the task bar, or by assigning a keyboard shortcut.
joshkauff last edited by
Any plans to add an option to disable title bar in Opera, I'm suffering this issue in Elementary OS.
Other browsers do this with different methods, Chrome has an option and Firefox an extension but I love Opera so I need a solution for this Please. -
ruario last edited by
You can use a windows matching utility like Devilspie2 to strip the title bar in any window manger
Install Devilspie2 and create a file called
containing the following:if (get_window_class()=="Opera developer") then undecorate_window(); end
You can then run Devilspie2 as a daemon (
) and it will strip the titlebar off Opera, when it starts up. If you want it to be maximised as well, try this instead:if (get_window_class()=="Opera developer") then maximize(); undecorate_window(); end
loxiw last edited by
You can use a windows matching utility like Devilspie2 to strip the title bar in any window manger
Install Devilspie2 and create a file called ~/.config/devilspie2/opera.lua containing the following:
if (getwindowclass()=="Opera developer") then
endYou can then run Devilspie2 as a daemon (-d) and it will strip the titlebar off Opera, when it starts up. If you want it to be maximised as well, try this instead:
if (getwindowclass()=="Opera developer") then
endWill you implement this behaviour by default in the future? Just to know, I understand that its target is very small
ruario last edited by
Will you implement this behaviour by default in the future? Just to know, I understand that its target is very small
Stripping the titlebar as an option? We are not currently planning to. Things might change however.
ruario last edited by
if you right click on the title bar the context menu has an option.
Cool, never noticed that but you are correct. It works!
Thanks for the tip.
loxiw last edited by
Stripping the titlebar as an option? We are not currently planning to. Things might change however.
I don't know how does it work but I meant stripping it (optionally or not, I don't think anyone would prefer to have a useless space up there) for Elementary OS like in GNOME. Thanks for answering
joshkauff last edited by
Thanks, that solution works but sometimes is a little buggy, however if you make a option for this would be great.
thiasj last edited by
any news on getting back the minimize/maximize button on Opera? I used Opera for years (since its gone free) and was excited, that it came back on linux with opera developer! But was disappointed, that opera is yet another chromium clone ... nevertheless it has some better features than chromium ...
Now Im still waiting for that minimize/maximize feature! I dont know why you dont allow gnome3 user to minimize the browser, even with the "middleclick on titlebar" feature in gnome3. I ran opera now since the first opera developer release, but not be able to minimize the browser is a nogo. And if you refuse to implement this feature I will use chromium again.
I hate those "Do this, or I'll leave" posts, but this is a very basic feature, that im using everytime and I wont do without it. I really hope you will change your mind! -
terminalerror last edited by
I agree with @thiasj. We need a minimize button. That's it; a tiny little minimize button beside the close button. Opera is the fastest browser in terms of browsing speed and productivity. A minimize button would be great.
technosparks last edited by
Resurrecting old thread
I was thinking of returning to Opera and shockingly after setting up everything I stumbled upon one problem when I want to minimise Opera.. The freakin button is not there.
Running Ubuntu Gnome Wily Werewolf
The thing is, what made me feel a lot sadder is the mere response of an Opera representative, stating that things won't change for what it is.
Those buttons might be useless to you, but could the Opera team at least add them so-called "fake buttons" for the ease of users? Of blame the shell they say! Would you consider removing the window buttons on Windoze? I am sure not, because it is well embedded in the explorer UI isn't it? Well let's say it is possible to remove, will you guys remove it?
The answer will of course No. Because? I am guessing FAMILIARITY. Windoze users has been comfortable with interacting multiple windows by relying on the window buttons available.
But but Gnome has only Close window button by default
Hoh! Fire up gnome-tweak-tools and you can add those little friends back.
But but Gnome original workflow isn't intended for window interaction, but emphasises on workspaces and stuff
Options! OPTIONS! In the gnome-tweak-tool it is possible to add back the window buttons, because not everyone uses workspace! Why they put such options? Familiarity, again. Window buttons are very familiar with any window managers, be it the age old Windoze, Mac and even some major DE you can find on Linux, there are always window buttons. Also they want to make their users happy.
But but it is semantically wrong to use a fake windows button
Remove the fake close button then. Make your users exit via the Opera menu.
Don't like it? Leave it
Hmm I am starting to wonder why developing Opera.. Is it for ghosts?
Seriously it is funny how a simple feature is scrapped off Opera. Like seriously? This has been a very very huge disappointment.
I am keeping a very close eye to the Opera "fake" title bar. I expect to see a maximise and minimise button soon.
If not, well, i can't threat you guys in any means, but i just want to say you guys have a very bad technique on making users interested on using Opera. Also bad way of thinking i must say.
I agree with @Thiasj . I hate posts aired by one of the Opera representative here. It is very unprofessional, and doesn't reflect good attitudes a person must follow when dealing with something that requires general attraction (in this case Opera).
You are pushing users away.
Have a freakin nice day.