Addons "Cashback Web Monitor"
curiouscroc last edited by
Ok, first I really want to Thank the original poster and other members of this thread who just saved me from insanity. An UI I'm developing makes heavy use of both the Tradingview chart embedded module and the websockets, which were mentioned above as the "cashback monitor" triggers. I noticed that the UI started to freeze often lately and spent a couple of days profiling memory usage left and right until I spotted that satanic beast in the Task Manager (apparently, the only place in the browser where technically inclined users may accidentally notice it). Now, my UI consumes quite a bit of resources because of some heavy calculations, but this thingy beats it in just few minutes:
And yeah, even after you kill it, it keeps rising from the hell as a pesting zombie. What a marvellous decision to improve your users experience, Opera!
ashmchapman last edited by
Same issue, seems to be related to using trading platforms like "binance" that use "tradingView" live graphs.
Had no issue with this a week ago.
I'll be switching to another browser in the mean time.
Hopefully Opera can fix this quick enough before I settle into a new browser.
elcool last edited by
74.0.3911.218 has solved the issue. Cashback Web Monitor extension is not even running anymore.
Vivaldi is good browser but UI lags so much compared to Opera to the point I can't stand it -
curiouscroc last edited by
@winblood The switch is not an option because of the devtools. I love Opera as a Chrome clone without the Big G attentive "addons"
so just downgraded back to 73.0.3856.344 for now.
winblood last edited by
@curiouscroc Well now Opera is profiling you with their internal plugins that you cannot disable. Big G attentive behavior much.
A Former User last edited by
i havent seen 100% usage in years. that was disturbing. but as others have said the new patch seems to have fixed it. its only been a few minutes since i installed it but lets see.
andrew84 last edited by andrew84
@winblood It's unclear if the bug (memory leak) itself was fixed. They fixed the flag's affect (disabled by default) in O74.
DNA-91976 Cashback Web Monitor active even with flag disabled
But O75 (Beta) and O76 (Dev) don't have the flag already and it seems that cashback monitor is enabled by default there. I didn't find any toggle in Settings to switch it off. So it is possible that when Beta will be promoted to Stable the issue can return if opera won't take any measures earlier (fix it or return the flag)