General Opera GX Feedback Topic V2
Cyberio last edited by
In new UI tabs are not highlighted when hovered at the very top of browser in full-screen, making it not allow to change tab. This gap is very small, because miniscule movement of cursor downwards highlights the tab making it possible to change into it. Buttons like "Search tabs", "Minimize" and "Close" can be clicked with cursor being at the very top of the full-screened browser. Hope this issue will be fixed.
Monitor is 1920x1080 -
1Ashura1 last edited by
25/11/24 - I just got the new opera GX update and usually I like GX but this update is just not it. Everything feels like a micropixel or just HTML vibes and the tabs have a white cross when I hover over them? Like a light cross button on a dark tab.. Oh and there is a weird 3D glow or outline around the browser even when it's maximised. It's kinda annoying cause it looks like the browser isn't in full view kinda thing.
I like the hidden icons at the right of search bar, I don't have a problem with it. Also if I'm not wrong, the font has changed. It's much more bigger? and pixel vibes.
The icons on the bar in the side are smaller and smushed together even with plenty space on the bar.
Overall, I'm not a huge fan of this update -
dubmaster last edited by
Also just got new update and while a lot of things can be changed to old version in mods which is cool, but I haven't found the option to change the way tabs look and work.
Looks aside as I'll just get used to it eventually (tho I still prefer the previous one). I'm a tab hoarder and in previous version when a sound was playing from a tab I'm not on, a mute button would expand the tabs width and it was easy to mute it or open that tab. Currently this mute button no longer expands the width and it's incovenient to switch to this tab, as whole tab is blocked by mute button (aside from bottom and top edges)
Proseidon last edited by
Pls stop adding advertisement into my quick selection tiles. It anoys me so much!
protogamer last edited by
I dont like the changes made to the miniplayer for videos and im conflicted on the new search bar results list, maybe make an option to make things like tabs and the miniplayer to be like before but i do like the extended and improved modding support. but either rollback the general opera gx aesthetic to the previous update or give us an option to make either some aspects or all aspects of the browser feel like before.
big-obrien23 last edited by
only used opera for a few days absolutely loving it the only thing i could see being added is to be able to put all the background music into a playlist so you don't have to manually change the music or even just a side bar feature to change the music quickly because having one on repeat can be a bit boring and going into the mods menu can be long but overall feed back is 9/10 experience
DeAverageTurt last edited by
I've had lots of fun with GX mods, but the keyboard sounds needs a small upgrade: When holding down a key, it should spam the keyboard sounds too (for fun). Also, this should be toggleable for those browser gamers.
super3090 last edited by
Hi, i just want the function of "tabs islands" on Opera GX, as it is on Opera One, that's all
LKvM last edited by
It actually used to be good.
Then they started removing features, dumbed them down into being useless, or added things I can't imagine people actually want.Though my primary issues are the removed capability to use multiple letters as a Workspace icon (ie: Instead of using a book, you could use AC, DJ, EL, etc. etc. etc.), tabs being removed from their workspaces and into the "first" or "main" workspace (So you have to manually select and move them back), and the constant crashes when the Browser tries to sync "significant" changes to bookmarks from a linked device.
It has no issue syncing from a fresh startup. Only has an issue after the fact, when I try to sync maybe 100 bookmark changes all at once.
I actually had to completely reinstall the browser once because of this issue, and almost had to do it again just a bit earlier because of the same issue.The first time it crashed almost 50 times in a row, around 2-4 every time I opened the browser. Which I did multiple times. Then I just gave up, and resigned myself to logging into my sites again after reinstalling.
This happened again a bit earlier, but only managed maybe 10-13 crashes. I stopped paying attention after 8 as I tried to bookmark some tabs I hadn't saved and wouldn't remember the names of, but it continued crashing for a little longer.This was never an issue a few years back, and only in recent times (2024 onwards). Which is after the browser started getting worse.
Thankfully, I backup my bookmarks habitually, and have already migrated the vast majority of my things to Firefox. Far better browser overall, the only downside being no workspaces, which is the ONLY reason I continue to use Opera. Other than the fact I refuse to touch Edge (For longer than absolutely necessary, which is the length of time I need to download Firefox), which has a workspace-equivalent.Beyond those personal issues, there's the fact it has never, and likely will never, succeeded at syncing opened tabs, settings, even if they were selected.
The only thing it has ever managed to Sync is Extensions (Doesn't matter much unless you use a TON), Bookmarks (Which also doesn't matter if you export them like you should be), History (Useful I guess?), and maybe Passwords, though I haven't had a password saved on a browser in years, so can't comment on whether that still works.Opera used to be good. Maybe it's just GX that has gone down the drain, but the standard version had changes a while back that I also really didn't like, which is why I dropped it.
Now, Opera's kinda like that one creepy uncle/cousin that nobody wants to talk to, but kinda have to because they're convenient for certain things.If anyone has a browser with a workspace-equivalent that isn't MS Edge, or a hot steaming pile of garbage, feel free to drop it here.
Or don't, because this post will probably be deleted by moderators since it doesn't bend over backwards praising Opera.
Wouldn't be the first time I've seen a post get deleted because someone told me to use something other than Opera if I'm having issues with it.I honest am getting sick and tired of the issues I have with the browser. I know not everyone will agree with me, or even experience the same issues (Though the tabs moving seems to be consistent across 2 different devices). I'm just "hanging on" in the hopes it'll start improving again. Or simply stop getting worse, while I hope for a replacement browser, while not knowing what in the hell I should be searching for to find one.
6m53v Banned last edited by
@leocg Opera GX has been improving consistently, and I appreciate the effort put into making it a top-tier gaming browser. Features like GX Control, RAM & CPU limiter, and the customizable UI truly set it apart. However, it would be great to see further optimization for resource usage and better integration with streaming platforms like Twitch and Discord. Keep up the great work!
Valoraxe last edited by
Something I would really like to see is an alarm clock, timer, and stopewatch option for the sidebar .
Kinda nitpicky but, another thing is that the adblocker and block trackers option should have seperate buttons in the address bar instead of being joint so u can turn them off or on with a quick click instead of having to hover over the option.
The settings menu should also be opened in the sidebar , as of rn it is really annoying to have to open it in a seperate window .
Another way to fix the settings menu is to replace the easy setup option. The "Easy Setup" isnt used much after you are done setting up for the first time so an option to turn it into a proper settings option along with an option to search in it would be appreciated.
Lastly whenever the zoom is at the normal 100 % the zoom option in the address bar disappears, this is annoying when the plus minus keys dont work in that particular site, so there should be an option to pin the zoom button to never disappear even when the zoom is at 100%. -
Yfaded last edited by
make it so that when i watch youtube 15000 tabs for youtube dont pop up on quick search please.
sincerely an opera user