Opera 75 download failure | login probs | Columns
operafanuk last edited by
Win7, 32-bit, Opr dev 74.0.3904.0 in dark mode.
Cannot update to Opr75 at all. It hangs in "checking for updates" forever.
Tried deleting profile to refresh and restarted for new profile etc, but still wont update to Opr75 whatever I do.Also login issues to forum from 74...3904 - only way I could login was to disable Opera VPN.
As an aside - still can't get six columns of bookmarks on 'Start page' on dev stream as I once had - most I can get is five columns.
(Note for devs: I have six columns on beta and Stable streams - on the same system)!! -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@operafanuk Try not to forget, one issue per topic.
Here I got stuck on the Checking for updates message but also got a (red dot) notification about a new version waiting for a restart.
You can try running the installer to see if the update happens.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@operafanuk No problem logging in to the forum here, even with the VPN on.