Opera main website isn't loading in?
donq last edited by
@DuckFreeman said in Opera main website isn't loading in?:
The latest error is: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
Probabaly not related to your problem, but anyway:
Are you using some extension, playing with redirects - like removing some parameters from links etc? I have seen such error when I used redirect bypasser extension and this caused some sites redirect to itself infinitely.
DuckFreeman last edited by
@donq i am using adlock and honey, but i have tried turning them off, restarting the browser and then the error was still up
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
I assume Opera's site loads no problem when you use https://www.proxysite.com/?
DuckFreeman last edited by
@burnout426 nope, doesn't load. When it drops me on the page, same ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS, when i go back to the proxysite it says could not load, 502 bad gateway.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Are your system date, time, time zone and daylight savings time settings all correct?
DuckFreeman last edited by
@burnout426 my system is up to date, all the settings are correct. (tried even on two different computers)
DuckFreeman last edited by
@burnout426 i am not using bitdefender. Tho i'm using opera's build in anti-tracker, but even if i turn it off, the error is still up
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Download the Opera installer, launch it, click "options", set "install path" to a folder named "Opera Test", set "install for" to "standalone installation", uncheck "import data from default browser", and install. Test in that Opera, but do not enable Opera's VPN, do not enable Opera Sync, do not install any extensions, and do not enable Opera's adblocker.
Same issue there too?
If so, I'd look at https://www.google.com/search?q=chrome+ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS to see if any of the Chrome solutions for this error help with Opera.
Do you get this issue in other Chromium-based browsers like Chrome, Vivaldi, Brave, and the new Microsoft Edge?
It could really be too many redirects Opera's site is making after detecting your language or something. Not sure. You could hit ctrl + shift + i to load the developer tools. Then, switch to the Network tab, check "disable cache", clear the log and try to got opera.com to see what the response headers are from each thing to see what's in the Location header each time. You can click the down arrow to export the log to a har file for someone to look at.
naheed last edited by
@DuckFreeman said in Opera main website isn't loading in?:
I try to open it now, and it opens up fine here.
Try to disable VPN, and check if it works then. -
DuckFreeman last edited by
@naheed by default i mostly don't use vpn. Any vpn, not just opera's built in. Can you reach https://www.opera.com/hu ?
DuckFreeman last edited by
@burnout426 i would download opera but i can't reach the site :'D
I've tried quite a few of google fixes but none worked.
the problem occurs even if i use firefox, chromium, edge, ie, brave.... even on mobile versions of theese. Btw i have sync enabled, do i have to always turn it off if i want to reach opera's site?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@DuckFreeman Sync shouldn't affect the connection to www.opera.com
donq last edited by donq
@DuckFreeman said in Opera main website isn't loading in?:
the problem occurs even if i use firefox, chromium, edge, ie, brave.... even on mobile versions of theese.
This doesn't like as an Opera specific problem then. It is rather some proxy or ISP or general network problem.
Open your Internet Options, Connections, LAN Settings - is there any checkbox marked? If yes, write down which ones and uncheck all and restart your browsers and does something change?
Are you using any third-party security tool?
Are all your devices use same internet provider? If not (and none of them can access Opera website), then something is wrong in Hungary
DuckFreeman last edited by leocg
Update: Now i can reach https://www.opera.com/en, https://www.opera.com/, and when i try to reach https://www.opera.com/hu, it redirects me to the main site. half victory!
(i did nothing new, i think the site solved it.)
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@DuckFreeman Other users that had the problem are reporting it working too. Woohoo!