Adblocker for Youtube™
JimisV last edited by
it works,you just have to enable it in the settings by right clicking on the extention
FlexxyPanda last edited by
this is working perfectly like it has been for the last couple months ive been using it. had to redownload today and now im seeing all these QoL changes and im f.... loving it. you guys are the shit keep up the solid work.
A Former User last edited by leocg
I have just deleted a comment of mine saying good job. If you've seen that, disregard it please. This Does not work 100% of the time, and when an ad plays, with this installed it makes them un-skippable. Unfortunately I've uninstalled this.
craven last edited by
Best stuff i have seen in a awhile since my defaut adblocker stopped working. has many good usefull features awell thank you, you saved me
A Former User last edited by
It might work but now there's this annoying bar - it even shows (albeit transparent) in full screen.
87Error404 last edited by
But i tested 1 thing...when it stop work reinstall it and gona work again!!! Thumbs up!
Alumane last edited by
Сделайте блок инструментов сворачиваемым.Сейчас это очень назойливо, темболее если использовать это приложение с другим, которое меняет цвет, как enhancer
chyson last edited by
Can't recommend an extension that doesn't do the one thing it advertises that it can do.
Zmei947 last edited by
who in the world need this useless buttons at the bottom of their screens? It's an adblocker, not video controller. Make the second extension for it and don't call it adblocker like wtf. Button that says "Remove ads"? Isn't that what adblockers do by default? Loop video? I can right click and press it on a video without this extension. Screenshot? Did you hear about print screen button? And options? Did you think that people wouldn't like these buttons and so you could add an option to remove them? 0/5 nice design decisions, good job at doing this nonsense
newnatalie last edited by
The extension works fine, I haven't noticed a single ad on youtube since the installation. The video control buttons are a bit of overhead though.