Telegram not working in messenger sidebar
HighDreams last edited by leocg
Dear Team,
Telegram is not working in the sidebar option of opera , while accessing the same shows mentioned error (attached ).
Opera Version : 69.0.3686.88
Kindly check and do the needful.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@HighDreams Latest stable version is 70, did you check with it?
ganapathi last edited by
bro, i took had that issue, but i have a trick try it out vpn settings in opera itself
2. open telegram in sidemenu bar.
3. refresh it ,
4. it will open and type your phone number and go on
5. if code not comes, turn off vpn and once again refresh the telegram sidemenu bar.
6. This time it opens, give details and wait for some minutes and you will get the code and you can use it.
7. comment me if it works -