Bookmarks import workaround for Opera 17+
valakii last edited by
I compiled the program and after the next step the button have appeared, just is not doing noting. What can be the problem?
crypter last edited by
Originally posted by valakii:
I compiled the program and after the next step the button have appeared, just is not doing noting. What can be the problem?
Hi. When you opened your bookmarks with the java program, did it show a message saying the bookmarks were successfully converted? If it did, a batchImport.js file was created. This file must be on the extension folder for it to work when you click on the icon and then on the button that appears. Also, try to reload the extension before doing that.
valakii last edited by
It was already created the batchImport.js file, but I haven't put in to the extension folder. Now I made the whole thing again and it's working
Thank you
Deleted User last edited by
Online-Bookmarks is an option, too. -
nitinfrnd5 last edited by
I followed all steps as described by you... successfully got js extention file... even moved it to extention folder.. adr extention file is also in the extention folder...Qucik access bar is also enabled in my browser.
when i click icon in shows import opera bookmark button but when i click on it.. nothing happens
Please help me. I want to fix this problem as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance. -
crypter last edited by
This is weird. If the program generated the .js file, it was supposed to be valid under any circumstances. When it converts the file and shows the message, do the number of folders and urls on it make any sense to you (are they valid numbers?). Could you please try the steps again with a very simple .adr file? The program was able to convert 50+ folders and 800+ urls on my bookmarks with no problems. Also, remember to reload the extension before using it (this is a small detail that I myself forget sometimes). -
nitinfrnd5 last edited by
Originally posted by crypter:
This is weird. If the program generated the .js file, it was supposed to be valid under any circumstances. When it converts the file and shows the message, do the number of folders and urls on it make any sense to you (are they valid numbers?). Could you please try the steps again with a very simple .adr file? The program was able to convert 50+ folders and 800+ urls on my bookmarks with no problems. Also, remember to reload the extension before using it (this is a small detail that I myself forget sometimes).I tried your method with a one month old adr file (having 529 urls n 22 folders) n surprisingly its working for it and when i tried again with my latest adr file (having 562 urls n 23 folders)... its not working
But I managed to solve my problem by doing this... from bookmark manager I made an adr file for single folder (because it's not working for more than single folder on my pc). I converted that file and added it successfully to quick access bar... First, I thought for 23 folder it would only take 15-20 minute to add all my bookmarks to QAB, but then i quit the idea of using opera 17 for a while until stable version is released...
Anyways thank you for this wonderful tweak. It will surely help us in future if they don't add bookmark feature in future
chaostg4 last edited by
I'm impressed how complicated Opera have made it to get hold on bookmarks and update speed dial
In previous version, it was just to copy over the *.adr file to a new location/new computer and make a pointer to this location.
Now it is necessary to install software, export and import, and not all users have the this knowledge. or user rights on their computer.And not mention the Speed dial. also required a third party software to make it functional
Opera is leaving the simplicity and user friendly they was famous for.
Sorry Opera. I'm looking for another browser
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by ChaosTG4:
I'm impressed how complicated Opera have made it to get hold on bookmarks
This thread is misleading. Opera 17 comes with a built-in bookmark importer.
evo2me last edited by
It's neither misleading nor superfluous. The bookmark importer in Opera 17+ does only work if O12 is installed and contains all your bookmarks. The importer is greyed out when O12 is not installed, i.e. because you use a new computer on which you did not install O12 prior to O17+ [why should you].
A Former User last edited by
The thread starts by explaining how to import Bookmarks from Opera 12 to Opera 17 (now 18). There is no need to do that. If Opera 12 is installed, installing Opera 18 will import them automatically (unless like me you use a USB install — then a command line is available to transfer settings).
Originally posted by crypter:
I will explain here how I managed to import all my bookmarks from Opera 12.15 to the most recent Opera Developer (Opera 17)
If this thread was about importing bookmarks from other browsers, it's unnecessarily complicated for importing bookmarks from other browsers too. It is better to recommend installing Opera 12 first, then Opera 18. Later, Opera Blink version should have a proper bookmarks importer and manager.
Deleted User last edited by
Ah yes, finally a way to import my Opera 12 bookmarks and get rid of that stupid 'Quick Access' bar. It worked like a charm...
The only problem is that the Bookmarks Menu extension does n't support sorting of bookmarks and bookmark folders. I still hope that Opera will bring back the built-in bookmarks menu exactly as it worked in Opera 12.
berng last edited by
Originally posted by whatu1tme2b:
Ah yes, finally a way to import my Opera 12 bookmarks and get rid of that stupid 'Quick Access' bar. It worked like a charm...
The only problem is that the Bookmarks Menu extension does n't support sorting of bookmarks and bookmark folders. I still hope that Opera will bring back the built-in bookmarks menu exactly as it worked in Opera 12.
I don't think QAB is stupid considering one of the things it support is th sorting of bookmarks and bookmarks folders.