This is weird. If the program generated the .js file, it was supposed to be valid under any circumstances. When it converts the file and shows the message, do the number of folders and urls on it make any sense to you (are they valid numbers?). Could you please try the steps again with a very simple .adr file? The program was able to convert 50+ folders and 800+ urls on my bookmarks with no problems. Also, remember to reload the extension before using it (this is a small detail that I myself forget sometimes).
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RE: Bookmarks import workaround for Opera 17+Opera for Windows
RE: Bookmarks import workaround for Opera 17+Opera for Windows
Originally posted by valakii:
I compiled the program and after the next step the button have appeared, just is not doing noting. What can be the problem?
Hi. When you opened your bookmarks with the java program, did it show a message saying the bookmarks were successfully converted? If it did, a batchImport.js file was created. This file must be on the extension folder for it to work when you click on the icon and then on the button that appears. Also, try to reload the extension before doing that.
RE: Bookmarks import workaround for Opera 17+Opera for Windows
The curious thing is that I was supposed to link your post in the first place. I posted the Zsenyka's post by mistake.Thank you for clarifying.
Bookmarks import workaround for Opera 17+Opera for Windows
I will explain here how I managed to import all my bookmarks from Opera 12.15 to the most recent Opera Developer (Opera 17) in a few easy steps with the necessary files for it. All you need to know is how to compile and run a Java program (from Eclipse, for example) and load a local extension from Opera.
1. Download and extract the zip content into a folder and put your .adr bookmarks file on this very same folder.
2. Compile and run the OperaBookmarksImporter.java program. I could simply put a .jar file, but due to safety concerns I prefer to distribute the source, so that someone else with development knowledge can check and confirm here that there is nothing malicious in it (the same for extension files).
3. When the file dialog open, choose you bookmarks file and, hopefully, it will be converted into a batchImport.js file.
4. Open the extensions manager, activate the Developer mode and click on "Load unpacked extension..."
5. Choose the same folder where the zip content was extracted to load and activate the extension, click on its icon and then on "Import Opera Bookmarks" just ONCE to import the bookmarks.
6. Enjoy all your bookmarks with the new Opera 17 and be happy.All bookmarks will be imported as Quick Access Bar links, but you will be able to navigate through your bookmarks and manipulate them using the Popup my Bookmarks extension. I think this is the closest option we have for the traditional bookmarks, at least until we get a more elegant solution from Opera developers.
Known Issues:
* Some unicode chars will become messed up. It happens here with japanese/chinese chars on titles, but works just fine with latin characters. I tried to fix this by playing with the CharSetDecoder InputStreamReader parameter, but had no success.