Opera 23: Arrow keys not working in Google Sheets. Also, sync question.
kinwolf last edited by
Trying to switch from chrome to Opera, and I must say I like many small features in Opera but I am encountering some annoying bugs. One is that arrow keys simply do not work in Google Spreadsheets on Google Drive. You can't navigate using them at all. It works fine in Firefox and Chrome(obviously) but not at all on Opera 23. I filled out a bug report, but anyone else encountering this? Any known fix?
Also, is Opera sync supposed to work or not?(link.opera.com) Ever since I started testing opera for my daily use a week ago I am getting a "500 We are experiencing some problems. Please try again later." error.
davey126 last edited by
Arrow keys are working ok for me in spreadsheets (eg: navigating between cells). Opera 23 on Win 8.1 x64.