What & why is this xxyyzz page popping up on my browser?
lordhighwind last edited by
I keep on seeing this tab pop up every few hours & I'm not sure what it is & why it's popping up.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Come on, if anyone is going to have the slightest chance of helping you, you need to at least provide more detail.
What operating system are you using (Windows, MacOS, Linux) ?, and what version (98, Vista, 7, 8, Ubuntu, OS X 10.4) ?.
What browser are you using (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome) ?.
What version of said browser are you using ?.
What is the title of this 'pop up' tab ?.
What are the contents of said 'pop up' tab ?.
Can you provide a screen shot of said 'pop up' tab and it's contents ?.
Do you have an anti virus program/suite installed ?.
Have you done a scan for viruses and malware ?.
You can use an image hosting site (http://tinypic.com/ for example) to upload a screen shot and post a link to it here if you like, so that others may be able to identify said 'pop up' tab.
lordhighwind last edited by
This is my first time posting about browser-related things & I'm new to technical forums/discussions, so sorry about not giving much details about it, but I'll provide them.
System: Windows 7 Professional
Browser: Opera Next (which is why I posted this here)
Version: 23.0.1522.14
It says 'opera://xxyyzz/ is not available' when it pops up.
Here's what the tab shows: http://puu.sh/9EBDq/38cc767b4e.png
I've used McAfee & Avast! to scan for viruses, but no results of threats came back.
Hope the details provided are good enough.
lordhighwind last edited by
I have nothing extra installed yet & I don't have Sync enabled, but I think I've found the cause of what makes the page appear.
I get this message on Skype often whenever an advertisement changes & whenever I click 'OK,' the xxyyzz page pops up & it shows up only on Opera Next.
I wonder if there's a way to get rid of this page from popping up after clicking okay on the Skype pop-up, though...