Bitwarden - Free Password Manager
MrHytrax last edited by
@gr4bg4m3z There ist somewhere a Location or Host, where US ist preselected. When you click on it, there appears a select view, where you can choose something like own server or so
egomontes last edited by
As of now, it's not working propely with the opera multiple workspaces setting.
coperek303 last edited by
me too
it's not working propely with the opera multiple workspaces setting -
ironbone last edited by
Unfortunatey does not work on macOS 12.6.3
I can log in on the web page but not using this extention -
djvicente last edited by
Unfortunately I get a username or password error in the Opera plugin in Linux. I have tried it on two different computers and the same thing happens to me. It works fine over the web.
9littlebees last edited by
@djvicente: Try changing the region. I'm in Europe and set that as my region, but my password was only accepted when I set the region to US.
mgpreal last edited by
@opera-comments-bot Why do I have to use 3rd party software? how safe is this?
9littlebees last edited by
@mgpreal: What 3rd party software are you talking about? This is an extension to use the excellent free password manager BitWarden on Opera browsers. Assuming you're asking why should you use BitWarden, all I can say is that I've been using the free version for many years across multiple browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave, etc) with no issues. It's an essential tool to use when navigating the internet today. Go check out online reviews to find out more about it and how good it is.
mgpreal last edited by
@9littlebees A software that is not part of the 3rd party software (extensions) opera is an argument to consider when it comes to reliability. it's a matter of preference and absolute good or bad.
9littlebees last edited by
@mgpreal There is no 3rd party software beyond the extension. You need an account with Bitwarden, but otherwise you can use Bitwarden with nothing more than its in extension in Opera.
butcha-xxx last edited by
@9littlebees said:
...but otherwise you can use Bitwarden with nothing more than its in extension in Opera.Or as extension in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Vivaldi, Brave, Edge, Tor Browser and most Browser Variants that build on the respective engines of these browsers, such as Iron, Waterfox, Pale Moon and countless others.
As a program for Windows, MacOS, or pretty much any Linux distribution.
Or as an app for Android or iOS -
mvalburg last edited by
I've been using BItWarden for years with absolutely no problems. That can't be said for the password manager I used prior to BW - Bitdefender - which was causing very odd problems and a security hazard that BD were quite unhelpful and rude about ("our software is bulletproof, your problem is elsewhere..." you know the drill). This was shortly before BD eliminated their free tier, so I switched to BW, the problem went away (with no changes to all the "elsewhere" parts of the system), and has worked perfectly since. A+.
mgpreal last edited by
@9littlebees However, we have seen before that plugins can be manipulated very easily. My passwords are important to me and I don't understand why you have so much trust in an unknown person, company or plugin author, anyway.
enticer last edited by
Be sure to also remember your email used, I almost lost a vault because of that
butcha-xxx last edited by
@segis just restart Main App, and Browser, or lock off and relogin into Bitwarden Vault Web