White screen 'flashbang' when opening pages
st4zik last edited by
@st4zik said in White screen 'flashbang' when opening pages:
I recommend you guys another browser.
Take a look at Vivaldi. It doesn't have white flash screens.
squeakyaqueduct last edited by
@st4zik I propose the flashbang feature be expanded so each occurrence is random sequence of 0-3 flashbangs with random millisecond durations. This will better satisfy the uptight policy-driven 9-5 devs' conforming around cubicles and whiteboards saturated in bright white overhead light by properly punishing anyone using a pc in a darkened room. Subversive witchcraft must not be tolerated. Moreover, why squander such a perfect opportunity? While I am blind conscious only of white noise send over some agents to knock me aside and deprive me of ill-deserved privacy and ill-begotten property.
CeruleanSpy last edited by
I understand the white flash can happen in a variety of situations. But for me, the worst and most frequent is when I click a link that automatically opens in a new tab. The new tab almost always starts white before going dark.
The Force Background Tab Chrome extension solved that situation for me. With this extension, a new tab opens, but Opera doesn't immediately switch to it. I have to click over to it, and by the time I do that, the tab has started rendering in dark mode. The white flash has presumably happened, but I never had to see it.
So for me, Dark Reader + Force Background Tab = much happier eyes.
CeruleanSpy last edited by
@iamamemer Hey, I'm so glad I was able to help! Thanks to you and others for the lengthy discussion on this topic. That really helped me understand what had been tried already so I didn't duplicate other attempts. I won't pretend that the Force Background Tab extension solves every situation, but having run it all day now, it definitely makes things a whole lot better for me.
Thanks for following up!
ministry last edited by ministry
Hi everybody,
After a lot of digging, I have found a solution that works for me:
1.- Go to opera://flags/ and turn on 'Force Dark Mode for Web Contents' to Enabled
This fixes most of the issue (e.g. about:blank becomes dark and most of the flashbangs disappear). In my case, there is still some brief white screen (of shorter duration than the default and much less annoying).
PS: If someone wants to keep digging for a complete 100% solution, this might be a good path to go down to and experiment with:
2.- Installing the Stylus extension and following the steps of this stackexchange answer, which in short are:
a.- Click on the styles icon > Manage > 'Write new style'
b.- paste something like this (won't solve the issue, just an example):@-moz-document url-prefix(about:blank) {*{background-color:#000000;}}
c.- click on 'overwrite style'
d.- give it a name on the upper left > save
e.- restart the browser just in casePlease report back if you do find the ultimate solution, otherwise I'll be switching over to FF for my late night browsing (which is a pity cause it loads sites slower than opera)
Solomag last edited by Solomag
@st4zik Its not working for such sites as https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions