What is your Weather? :)
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
It would have to be ... having lived both in a desert and here, the change in temperature from day to night is related to the humidity and cloud cover. With a range of 16C (about 30F) it has to be dry and sunny. Mind you, 32C (90F) isn't a terrible temperature - again, for someone who has lived in a desert.
A Former User last edited by
Well, we haven't.
We locals have been used to much more humid climate. Of course if it's humid and hot - not good. The problem is that we haven't got enough moisture in absolute account for long - the average is simply ridiculous!
Though the flora doesn't seem to do bad at all in the area. Maybe that we have some underground aquatics, and a water reservoir (elevated - with a dam).Still +30°C, some clouds though, no mentionable wind, hum.=26%.
A Former User last edited by
I've heard that the global climatic system had become fractured (clustered) - due to the humans' extensive "exploration" of the Earth's surface: huge urban/industrial conglomerations make the "sixth ocean" divided into much less "lakes" and sees - which less interact with each other.
It's like to cut the Pacific in pieces with dams in all directions.:yuck:So major atmospheric processes can move quite ok, while usual continental patterns get interrupted. Thus local climates tend to shift to their possible extremes: moisture can't get very far from the place of its origin, and by the sea you'll get drowned, while far from any major water you can get droughts - regardless of your past memories that "those winds brought us our lovely rains".
A Former User last edited by
For the next week, one of our forecasters just pledges us paradise: moderate (even a couple 17 highs), with occasional rains (starting this Sunday (storm&rain (heavy))(I like rainstorms
A Former User last edited by
"+23 °C"?
They're showingfor the evening, but I can barely see a decent cloud yet...:left:
A Former User last edited by
Too, it's rained eventually. Rained all morning - I slept it through. Sky's cleared now.
You know what? Maybe I dreamt it? The tarmac down there seems perfectly dry...
A Former User last edited by
Supposedly raining here, according to radar. Doesn't sound like it.
Are you in a bunker or what?
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
No, but as I sleep in the morning all my curtains are closed. I'll hear rain on the roof if it is heavy enough, or against the windows if it is windy enough - but it wasn't either of those. In fact, it wasn't even heavy enough to call it rain in my book - almost more of a mist than anything.
A Former User last edited by
Do you know what is some "dew point" for in some weather reports/forecasts? I can't see what influence it makes on our weather perception, if any.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
It is a way to measure humidity. More precisely, it is the temperature that an object would have to be for water to condense on it. However, by looking at the partial pressure of water at that temperature versus at your actual temperature you can determine relative humidity. (Usually dew point is measured by a "wet bulb thermometer", but I'm sure Wikipedia must have an article about it.)
Of course, if the air temperature drops below the "dew point", you will get dew.
A Former User last edited by
So, they use it in place of those per cent?
I guess it could be deemed more universal - as relative per cent humidity can't be shown higher than 100. -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Dew point will not remain above air temperature for long.
From my current conditions:
Heat Index 77 °F
Dew Point 66 °F
Humidity 71%Heat index is a combination of temperature (currently 76F) and humidity to tell you how hot it feels. These days they also sometimes combine temperature, humidity and wind to get a "real" temperature (instead of having wind chill in winter and heat index in summer).
A Former User last edited by
That won't be an actual temperature, will it?
For whom is it done? For people who can't figure things by themselves using given data?Went out early - feeling fine such a way. It's still the moderate spell with highs around 20°C.
Sunny with a few fine clouds dwelling lightly. Light wind. -
A Former User last edited by
Either it's raining or has been raining - I can't clearly tell out of the window. Overcast, seems a bit chillying.
A Former User last edited by
It seems like raining or about to outside.
Inside, it was also 'raining' just now - with a smooth of soap, in the bathroom.Yeah, it's windy outside and seems something (I can't clearly see for my window's dewed a lot