No redirect for link expanders applications.
firstlast last edited by leocg
Why Opera and Opera Mini do not allow redirection to link expanders applications when a shortened link is triggered? Google Chrome and Samsung Internet allow.
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
I'm trying to see what's going on, but having hard time triggering "App Redirect" in Chrome. How do you do that?
I've tried to load in Chrome, but it just opens the original URL without getting any option for App Redirect. Checked on Android 8.1 phone. -
firstlast last edited by
@miyukiwork (123456w0rK:) (human+machine+human translation:) Anyone of those link expander apps shown in the screenshot are offered as an alternative in Google Chrome and Samsung Internet when a shortened link is on a .HTM page but unfortunately not in Opera and Opera Mini.
(Shortened links are very useful with YouTube.) -
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
Thanks for the extra explanation. I was totally blind on that, but now I can see how the behavior differences. We'll try to fix it in the future version.
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@miyukiwork 123456oRk, in Opera v48.1.2331.132804 yet there is no support for link expanders.
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@miyukiwork 123456wOrK, in Opera v48.2.2331.133274 yet there is no support for link expanders.
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
We have reported this to our internal system, so it'll be looked into eventually.
firstlast last edited by firstlast
(machine+human translation(:| After more tests I apparently found the new functionality in Opera that did not resolve completely the problem of not directly targeting to link expander applications but now allows them to pop up from the copy feature, some screenshots about the subject; thanks 123456wOrK:
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(machine translation(:| Please, is not there in the Opera Forums the ability to edit and delete old postings no longer needed?
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I was wrong, the feature shown in the recent four screenshots is not related to Opera, sorry.