Opera for Android 47
bbildman last edited by bbildman
@miyukiwork I continue to have password problems with Android O47.1.2249.129326. Some pages will fill-in the correct login data, while others will not- even though the password is indeed listed in Settings/Passwords.
I can delete the login data from Settings/Passwords, go back to the Web site, login in manually, and then Opera will query me if I want to save the Password - to which I answer "Yes." Then logging out I am back with having to re-enter the login data when I go back to that site.
Has there been any other reports of this ??bug???
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
If you could help us more, can you install Opera for Androind beta and see if it behaves the same there? -
A Former User last edited by
@miyukiwork The problem is partially solved!
Today I installed the Opere Mini (and its Beta versions) and the synchronization works perfectly. After which I returned to my Opera Beta and sync works - but only on such settings as in the picture. Before the update, Opera worked when syncing 'history' was off and syncing 'open tabs' was turned off.
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
Great to hear. If you disable History and Open tabs, other items are still fine to sync? All fixed? -
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
Do you have any specific examples? If you re-enter the login data again, will it be saved again in Settings > Passwords ? -
A Former User last edited by
@miyukiwork If you switch off stories and open tabs - synchronization does not work properly (again I have to log out / log in manually). For now I left everything included and I hope that you will find this error and it will work as before.
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
Thanks for all the screenshots and bug descriptions and even checking in Mini! -
bbildman last edited by
@miyukiwork re: passwords...when I save the password and it is listed in "Saved Passwords" and then logout, trying to login again... I have to manually login again.
A couple that do work:
In O46, all of these worked just fine and when I saved a password it DID remember including signing me in.
old-splatterhand last edited by
Please release a fixed version for "double-touch zoom page jumps error" in playstore for normal version (not beta)!
Double tab to zoom is driving me crazy
And please, make an option and let us choose the app icon to the old one (only tbe red O) and not the ugly adaptive icon (red O in a white circle. -
A Former User last edited by
thank you for this update, my all problems has been solved, thank you again
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
Thanks for your feedback. We are preparing a fix for the zoom issue and the fix will be applied to the main version.
old-splatterhand last edited by old-splatterhand
Thank you!
And a chance of changing the apearance of the adaptive app icon?
Some launchers have afaik a "switch" to deactivate the rounded icons and bring back the design of Nougat & earlier.
But Opera always shows that adaptive icon. -
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
Now we've fixed the zooming issue, so the new release will come very soon.
Regarding the possibility to disable adaptive icon, we did not consider that scenario. Which launcher has such an option? -
old-splatterhand last edited by old-splatterhand
Thanks for thinking about.
Nova has that option, HTC Sense launcher and afaik LinageOS/AOSP launcher has that option.
I think other wide spread launchers should have that too, but of course i have not tried all.
In my opinion, the old icon looks so much better and if all other icons look "normal" and opera not, it don't look nice! -
old-splatterhand last edited by old-splatterhand
A picture tells more than words. I just flashed LineageOs to show you, what i mean.
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
Thanks a lot! May I ask one more thing? Do you have any Google app installed on the device? If so, can you give me a screenshot without adaptive icon option?
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@miyukiwork Hi,
Android Version : 8.1.0
Phone : OnePlus 5T
Opera Ver : 47.1.2249.129326
Link (won't work if you disabled adblock and data saver)
[https://rarbg.to/threat_defence.php?defence=2&sk=1s23xuanbt&cid=8998566&i=825542219&ref_cookie=rarbg.to&r=74284478](link url)Screenshot Attached.
There is issue in RARBG Proxy website.
CAPTCHA image not showing for this site. Site won't work if we disable adblock and data saver (maybe because it's a proxy site).PLEASE SOLVE THE ISSUE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
old-splatterhand last edited by old-splatterhand
I've installed some Google apps from Google Play to make some Screenshots.
Without adaptive icons:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_h2ZNDpEX3hfuSaM4sX8ANGjLQPKlB_N/view?usp=drivesdk -
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
Thanks again for the screenshots. Now I'll send them to the UI design people and they will evaluate.