Moderation Requests
A Former User last edited by
Please reopen my "Trouble of the Day".
I can't seem to start a new one with the same name. Draft saved, hope will appear upon the thread's reopen. -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
You do know why it was closed, don't you? It's a magnet for people posting in the wrong place. Not that I closed it, but if we did reopen it we'd be forced to close it again in a few days. Pick a different name, which will not attract people posting about their Opera problems.
A Former User last edited by
It's in the Lounge, why?
First, I can't remember people posting Opera trouble there at least much.
Second, if they do, no harm to friendly redirect them. Monkeys know, newbies deserve a welcome.And I like the name, that's why*:P*
Banana! :(|)
A Former User last edited by
Well, I took a look...
Say, can one use their saved draft in another thread?
I hate writing my problem all over again. Lazy is vicious*:)* -
A Former User last edited by
I just found out that I can click "edit discussion" in my Drafts. BUT!
I edited the name, hit "post" - but error again!
Error - The page you are looking for could not be found.
Can you do some looking in?
I would speculate that this "edit discussion" will edit (or try to) that same discussion, like that and the only to which it's been bound like forever*
Shoot, I could perhaps use the copypasted draft, but still I can't come up with a decent new name...
It should 1) attract participants - to participate, 2) reflect the new topic - namely any-all trouble with software/hardware Opera-non-related.