After Win 10 Creator Update - VPN and other icons don't work
A Former User last edited by
Before Windows 10 Creators Update I could use "Use hardware acceleration when available" but after the update to Creators Update to Windows 10 I have to turn off "Use hardware acceleration when available" to use the Opera VPN - Please fix as withe it enabled on my Windows 10 64bit OS Opera ran alot better and VPN worked. emphasis
Please I beg to update Opera 64bit to use this feature again emphasis
I left FireFox for Opera as I think it's a better Browser now
A Former User last edited by
Before the Creator "update hardware acceleration when available" worked great
This system is a HP laptop with an Intel i5 with 12GB ram
My other system is a Dell laptop and it doesn't have the Creator update on it and it can use "update hardware acceleration when available"
Thank you
A Former User last edited by
I'm sorry @ leocg (I have PTSD , Please don't hold that against me - I also have been an IT Technician for 20 years)
Again let me say I like Opera very much
Ok I did what you said and here are the screenshots:
This is on my Computer with Windows 10 Creator Update (64bit)
My other Computer with Windows 10 Anniversary Update (64bit) works Great
I'm thinking this is a problem with the Creator Update
I hope I am giving the information right (I would use BB Posting Codes, but it doesn't look like this forum uses them)
Again Please forgive me if I'm not posting this right as my PSTD is very bad and I try my best.
I do Thank you all and I Thank Opera for a Great Browser
xtn89 last edited by
I have the same problem. I
m using the 64 bit version of Windows 10 and after the Creators Update the VPN, Block Ads and Downloads buttons don
t work when "Use hardware acceleration when available" is enabled. -
ppafu last edited by
same problem here in HP notebook vpn, blocks ads, downloads buttons AND adress bar suggesions do not work
elrosluinwe last edited by
Same problem here in my Asus N53JL notebook with graph card nvidia gt 425M, the download button and adress bar suggesions don't work when "Use hardware acceleration when available" is enabled.
elrosluinwe last edited by
Yes, the problems solved. When i enabled opera://flags/#ignore-gpu-blacklist, the download button and address bar suggestions started to work. My opera browser works normally now
Thank you very much for your help.
A Former User last edited by
Ok leocg I enabled "opera://flags/#ignore-gpu-blacklist" but the drop down for VPN still doesn't work with "update hardware acceleration when available" enabled.
I still think this is a Creator Update problem as before it worked and my Dell doesn't have the update on it and it works right.
This system has Intel(R) HD Grahics with the newest drivers from Intel
As I don't use Windows drivers as almost all the time they are outdated (When you get the right drivers your system will fly)
This system boots and shutdown very fast, and 98% of the software on this computer is 64bit
Again I do Thank you very much for trying to help - You Rock
kryouck last edited by
Btw drop down of VPN, download button, adress bar, block adds, extensions page pop-ups working but it just 100% invisible
kryouck last edited by
I have the same issue with ALL chromium based browsers (chromium 59 have this issue too). Nothing help except disabling hardware acceleration (I tried change parametres at the about://flags).
My specs: 1st generation i7-640M with integrated Intel HD Graphics. I tried default W10 drivers and the latest
We need patch for windows or chromium browser. Not sure if Opera can fix it -
claneksi last edited by
Have nothing new to add, but.. yeah, happens to me too.
I'm on an old laptop (Pentium T4600 + onboard graphic) and since updating to Creator Update none of the functions mentioned above work (or maybe "100% invisible" like kryouck said above). Had to turn the hardware acceleration off to make them function normally like before. -
A Former User last edited by
My Dell computer that doesn't have the Creator Update worked with the "hardware acceleration" turned on, but I just did "About Opera" today and it updated to version 44.0.2510.1218 (PGO) and now "hardware acceleration" has to be turned off
for VPN and Ad Blocker to work (I also turned off the 3 Extensions to make sure that wasn't the problem).
I'm Microsoft and Cisco Certified so yes I know what I'm doing
This is a Opera/Chromium Problem
Version information
Version: 44.0.2510.1218 (PGO) - Opera is up to date
Update stream: Stable
System: Windows 10 64-bitBrowser identification
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36 OPR/44.0.2510.1218
Like I said my Dell 64bit without the Creator Update worked fine until I updated Opera to the newest version
So this is telling me there is a coding bug in this new Opera updateThis computer I'm on now like I said above does have the Creator Update
Thank you and Opera Please fix this problem
kryouck last edited by
Pop-ups with acceleration on: add -disable-dwm-composition to the shortcut until chromium devs fix this issue