Very long extension moderation process
CostasAthan last edited by
I wonder if reviews are abandoned.
I initially uploaded my add-on on November 8, 2021. I have since uploaded 2 updates. None of the 3 versions have ever been reviewed and published. -
angelo2008 last edited by
I have an addon that was summited and awaiting for moderation, but it was never moderated, my addon only contain a few files, and each file (ex. .js, .css, .html, etc.) only has a few lines and words, I have been waiting since November 2021 but still no response, same to my other addons
Here are my addon's IDs
ajgbjhnanbjjppijmilapbimdffddone - (with lots of words and lines)
eifeadnndbigikenajlakplokoklnkkpSome of these are already available on Beta and Dev
d3vil0per last edited by
Also my addon is very simple and easy to check by moderators, it is like a copy and paste headers and parameters of the active tab. Mozilla and Microsoft teams needed less than one day, I would like to distribute my addon also for Opera browser but waiting so much time as also explained by other mates in this topic is negatively incredible (more than 1.5 years), I cannot imagine when a dev needs to update his/her addon. Please Opera moderators, give us a signal.
My addon ID is: nkdbfhmcdnbpalbekcefanlefeaaakcn
FreeVPNPlanet last edited by
Dear moderation, how can we have our add-on moderated?
We have 400,000 users on Chrome, would like to contribute to Opera, please review.ID: efmeiipgodbfbbloibdecgnhnjjdenek
antilopa last edited by
Please finish moderation on -
FreeVPNPlanet last edited by
Dear moderators, we are waiting for moderation of our extension more than a month now and already submitted 2nd updated version, howeve,r nothing was reviewed yet.
Our ID: efmeiipgodbfbbloibdecgnhnjjdenek
We like opera browser very much and want to contribute to it!
Please respond, @tnowak
Thanks in advance!
vanyhh last edited by
my extension is up for a review for 1 month now and it said it will take around 7 work days...
FreeVPNPlanet last edited by
Dear moderation,
We have second month passed in waiting for moderation and already 3 versions of extension.Please, check our extension
ID: efmeiipgodbfbbloibdecgnhnjjdenekWe see that other extensions are updated lately, but we are waiting months to check our first version.
Thanks in advance!
antilopa last edited by
60 days our users waiting for new version.
No moderation for 2 months!!!What can we do to stop them suffering from long moderation?
I can send all complaints to Opera support. Would it help?VStat extension
ID: peplglmaanpbfiapjbeaffjpdikkfjmb -
FreeVPNPlanet last edited by
Dear Moderation,
We have released 2 more versions with free adblock service. However our initial extension versions from start of April have not been moderated.Lets, make Opera better - please moderate our extensions.
We, developers, contribute and will move Opera further and make it better. Just check what we submitted.ID: efmeiipgodbfbbloibdecgnhnjjdenek
shridhartl last edited by
I have my extension published before 3 years and I am still waiting for the moderation to complete. I have tried waiting for months at least for 1 version to get published. But nothing happens.
I have this addon published in Chrome, Firefox and Edge where review gets completed in minutes to max of a week. Few 100's of users requesting me to publish the addon in Opera store and I am continuously asking them to use other browsers instead, just because Opera moderation is not happening since ages.
Additionally all the files in the addon is shown as unnecessary files just because your automated tests are not capable of identifying the file dependencies when webpack is used for packaging.
When you cannot moderate it manually, you should atleast auto publish the extension first and then review it at your own time. But letting us wait for years without even any update is not professional.
Extension Id: eldbfdnolaccbfiffkefkahicdpjjgfk
devartstaff last edited by
We've published three hotfixes in the past two weeks, but Opera users haven't received any of them because the moderation process stalled.
ID: ebackhigejagfphnfoeflkfndafmipoj -
FreeVPNPlanet last edited by
Dear Moderators - @leocg
We are waiting for our extension to be checked since April:
ID: efmeiipgodbfbbloibdecgnhnjjdenekStill we hold hope that someone will get to it and review our extension, however of course we already had 12 more releases and updates. We strive to contribute to Opera Community, we love this browser what should we do with that?)
Is it logical for us to continue waiting or new extensions are not accepted anymore and we better direct our energies elsewhere?
Thanks in advance,
Planet VPN -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@freevpnplanet Forum moderators are not extensions moderators, just for the info.
FreeVPNPlanet last edited by
@leocg Thanks for that friend, everybody in this thread knows that extension moderators existed, but maybe you share with us if they exist now or no? )
angelo2008 last edited by
Hey Opera Moderators, can you also moderate my addon?
shoopit last edited by
Dear Opera Moderators,
Can you please help expediting moderation of our new extension: shoopit-pay-less-for-travel?
ID: nenpfcnfccjcaenlehmeelmbbhkchjojThe extension was already published to chrome and edge stores. We're waiting to be published on opera before we start marketing campaign.
Shoopit Team