Hiding HTML5 video controls in fullscreen
minecraftpig last edited by
It happens with all HTML5 video like this one
Chrome would hide the controls after about 5 seconds but it's constantly showing in Opera.
I moved the cursor to the far left and right corners with no luck.
I'm wondering if this is supposed to happen in Opera intentionally or if I am running into a bug. -
lando242 last edited by
Confirmed. The player controls do not hide even with the courser on the edge of the screen. Works fine in Chrome. Looks like we have a bug.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
It happens with all HTML5 video like this one
http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_video.aspWorks here although, given the video being short, the control bar disappears almost in the end.
minecraftpig last edited by
It happens with all HTML5 video like this one
http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_video.aspWorks here although, given the video being short, the control bar disappears almost in the end.
Even for a longer video like this one
the controls do not disappear at all for me. Can you confirm if the controls disappear for you in this one as well?
minecraftpig last edited by
Can you confirm if the controls disappear for you in this one as well?
Ye, controls go way in this video too a fw seconds after i have moved the cursor to the far right.
Still does not work for me somehow, what version of Opera + Windows are you using?
alobpreis last edited by
Until some minutes ago, I had Opera 38.0.2220.41 and the issue was present. With Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, SRWareIron and Maxthon, the controls disappear in 1-3 seconds.
I just updated to 39.0.2256.43 and the controls disappear, so the issue seems to be solved. Also now the controls look different, so it seems they did change something there. All this on Windows 7 x64, by the way.