Big problem (bug?) when adding bokmarks
gts-r last edited by
After some time I've restarted using Opera (I used it since version 4 or something, then I stopped when it was "chromefied" and now I'm back
I have imported my bookmarks from other browsers and now I have 20 or so folders in my "Imported" list.
When I open "Imported" from the bookmarks bar, the folders fit with the screen height without the need of scrolling (desktop resolution is 1920x1080), but when I click the "heart" icon to add a site to my bookmarks, I cannot place it to one of my lowest folders because I can see only half of them, the other half is cut away below the screen. is this a bug or there's something wrong with my installation?Is there someone with the same problem?
A Former User last edited by
- What's your version of browser?
- Don't you have a scroll-bar or something like that there? Have you tried hovering around the place?