What video driver is missing for this video?
vinczej last edited by
I tried to play the video inside of the page, but it says: "This browser does not support video playback."
Chrome plays it correctly. What's the problem? User Agent switcher didn't help.
lando242 last edited by
Opera is dependent on video codecs installed on your system while Chrome has some built in. Are you perhaps using an older version of Windows?
A Former User last edited by
Same for me, Google Chrome plays it, but no other browser will, including the latest Firefox.
Why on earth would a website put a video on a page that can only be played by one browser without installing extra codecs?!
:rolleyes: -
lando242 last edited by
Windows 10 and Opera, plays fine here. I assume you mean the video inside a tweet of some people running down the street.
donq last edited by
I can see video palying on this page, using Opera on XPSP3... Sure I have various additional codecs installed on my system. And I don't know, maybe some videos are hidden by adblock and I happened play wrong one
Otherwise this video has following MIME type: video/webm; codecs="vp9"
donq last edited by
Right-click menu on video talks about HTML5, not Flash - but of course I can't be sure (I'm not online videos fan). Well, because I have plug-ins set to click'n'play, then it must be html5 - flash ones would display grey area with start button, not video window.
(I have already sugested to allow set html5 videos to click'n'play either - some pages use autoplay and I really don't like that