After Login ... "What next? Now you will be automatically redirected to the forums service."
browzer1 last edited by
When I login, I get the above message. And it just sits there.
I always must click on Forums service.
Do others have this same behavior? If not, how do I get around this?
Win 7 Toshiba Laptop. Fully updated.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Moved to Feedback forum, as it shouldn't have to do with Windows as such.
For me ... it redirects to and on some of my devices it works while on others it doesn't (when it doesn't work I get a network error). If I then use the Back menu (in Opera desktop, right-click on the Back arrow) to go back to the forums page (without the :8081 in it), that works fine. So it seems to me like something - maybe security software - is blocking port 8081.
(Using a different port like that is a common way to force a page to reload all data, but apparently 8081 was a bad choice.)
A Former User last edited by
Do you, in the settings, allow automatic redirections?
Just in case it's the.. uhm.. case. -
browzer1 last edited by
josh ... Yes, the META Refresh is enabled.
Not a big deal. It happens rarely that I post in any case.
Thanks for replying. (And sgunhouse).
A Former User last edited by
Dude, you're right. In Chrome, no autologging (as I recall it used to be), and after I hit "log in" and proceed, "What next?" tries this - "page not available". I shut it up and click my plain
bookmark - it autologs me then. -
A Former User last edited by
In Chrome again.
Not logged in, not being autologged, logging.
wouldn't load again, "This web page is not available".
Just hit my bookmark again (
). -
blackbird71 last edited by
I'm wondering if there's some kind of handshake timing window involved between the browser and Opera server that sometimes kicks the server's redirection over to the error page instead of the log-in lookup page if something doesn't happen correctly within a too-short allotted time.
A Former User last edited by
Port 8081 story again.
In Google Chrome, no autolog initially: signing in, loading
with content "This site can’t be reached
Well, removed that "8081" from the address: "Sign in" box with autolog proceeded then.