"Emergente de inspección" is not a proper translation of "Inspect pop-up"
kunfoo last edited by
The "Inspect pop-up" string should be translated to Spanish as something like "Inspeccionar ventana emergente".
Cheers (:
kunfoo last edited by
It seems to be added by Last Pass so you will have to contact them.
Mmmm... I think it was present for all extensions.
Cannot reproduce now, anyway.
kunfoo last edited by
Cannot reproduce now, anyway.
Ok. I've got it. After enabling the extensions developer mode, the string is present when right-clicking any extension icon. It is not a Last Pass issue.
kunfoo last edited by
Can't reproduce here. Even with developer mode enabled, i can't see that entry here.
Me neither at this moment. It's a quite elusive string.
Anyway. When searching the string in Opera installation files (without the final accent), the following matches are displayed:
Searching 98 files for "Emergente de inspecci"
C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\31.0.1889.99\localization\es-419.pak:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\31.0.1889.99\localization\es.pak:
2 matches across 2 files