Accessing power user mode without the konami code
soleno1d last edited by
Hello, i have a wonky laptop keyboard, more precisely the left key is non-functioning. Normally I manage, but it seems entering the opera power user mode is one of the rare times when it's necessary. I was wondering if there was a method to do this any other way, by modifying the preferences files perhaps. I'm using the 32-bit opera-developer 32.0.1899.0. Much obliged.
devocalypse last edited by
Here's an alternative approach that might help you if you are using Windows:
Get autohotkey from notepad. Paste the following text (excluding the --code sections) and Save as operaPowerMode.ahk (note the extension)
--code start
WinActivate, Settings - Opera
SetKeyDelay, 250
Send, {Up}{Up}{Down}{Down}{Left}{Right}{Left}{Right}ba
---code end
Open settings in opera. Find the ahk file you saved earlier and run it.
l33t4opera last edited by
Hi @soleno1d @leocg @devocalypse,
You can simply go to the address bar, and type opera:settings/powerSettingsOverlay, press enter, and add it to the Bookmarks, or to the Speed Dial page :cheers:
soleno1d last edited by
Cheers everyone. I'm on Lubuntu, so I used l33t4opera's method and it worked like a charm. I'm very, very grateful, thank you.