Something Hijacking Adobe Acrobat
kevin-000 last edited by
This new update destroyed my settings.
Something is hijacking my PDFs which MUST be viewed in Accrobat because I am a developer. I reinstalled Acrobat and it worked ONCE. Now the same program is hijacking my PDFs.
How do I stop this?I have gone into windoze and set .PDFs to "Always Open with Adobe" but I get the PDFs from Webmail using Opera so some other thing comes up instead.
When I look for the pirate extension, the extension manager says there are no extensions installed. (no, not even Acrobat reader)
Please help! I don't want to go back to Firefox.
lando242 last edited by
You need to look in the plugins page, not the extensions page. PDF viewing in the browser, like Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight, is handled by plugins. The plugins page, as of Opera 29, can be accessed by typing opera://plugins into the address bar.
kevin-000 last edited by
Thankyou Lando!
Maybe by next release Opra will figure out how to put in a Tab for plugins!
But you were right, something infected opra with Chrome PDF thing.
Now I have to hunt up a real version of Acrobat Plugin. The new one has spam in it.
lem729 last edited by
I'm having a pdf problem also. I'm trying to view a pdf file in Opera 30 (Windows 7). It just won't load on some pages. In Firefox and Internet Explorer everything is fine. So I disabled all of the pdf plugins for Opera. Still no difference. For some reason, Opera tries to open the pdf file in a tab. (I like it in a tab, if it would do it okay, or outside Opera, as long as I can ready the file). Crazy. I went to Opera://plugins, and I disabled the Chrome pdf viewer, the Adobe Viewer pdf viewer for Firefox or Netscape (not sure why Firefox or Netscape on it?), and Silverlight (as I believe someone has posted that's a pdf viewing plugin for microsoft. I don't think I have any other pdf viewers. Still, the pdf file opens in the tabs, and won't open some pages fully. Any thoughts on how to fix this so I can view pdfs okay using Opera 30.