Opera Mini 15 for Android
ornelien last edited by
hello thanks for the good job. I want you to add an option to load the tab in which we are before the others tabs opened. keep the good job going on. thank you and excuse my bad english
ornelien last edited by
also add a "what's new" web page so it can list all the new features of the updated opera mini
pedrihno last edited by
Thanks for taking me into consideration Miyuki, I appreciate your time and help, I love you, good luck go ahead with your great job
mozme last edited by
Thanks for this version with well functionning High economy mode
I just noticed one strange thing : when I open tab and view it the day after, it always reload all the page... as if it is amnesic... is it due to android ram optimizing or due to opera?Tibs
selurus last edited by
@mozme the page reloading is probably because opera mini was shutdown by Android hence no longer has the pages in RAM.
if you want to store pages though you can click on the + sign in the address bar and select 'save for offline' so you can have that page saved on the phone without having to reload it from the internet.
d-wa last edited by
it actually the difference between high and extreme mode. in extreme opera mini store the compressed page so the tab won't have to reload every time (but just sometimes).
in high saving opera mini acts like a regular browser, like chrome. the pages are active and sits in RAM. so if by some chance opera mini process stopped then the tabs will be reloaded. if you save the page it will be stored like extreme and lose the JavaScript.
there is also chances if there's some tabs in high saving all the tabs might reload like in your case, @mozme .
draqonyx last edited by
Well, this version (maybe even the one before it) makes opera mini freeze and crash a lot on high savings mode. If it's sitting on the start page minimizing and then coming back to the browser makes it not respond or freeze (not happening on a Web page). Also crashing and freezing while navigating the Web (tapping on links or changing phone orientation for example).
None of this happens with extreme savings mode. It was a good 2 in 1 browser before all this. Hope you'll fix it soon. Thanks -
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
@draqonyx, can you tell me on which device the freeze and crash happens?
d-wa last edited by
yea I got the same issue. in high mode when opening sites with popup ads (mainly those which "mobile optimized") it shortly become frozen.
what I notice is that it only not registering touch input. the menus are working ok. switching tabs to the frozen page you can see that the scroll indicator is showing briefly, meaning that there's nothing wrong with the page. it just won't interact. it even won't reload.
it's like being on a blank start page.
d-wa last edited by
let's see.. why don't you try to download this torrent file from openload (I got the link from google) :
draqonyx last edited by
Crashing also occurs each time I long press on a link to display the context menu.
rahul0090392 last edited by
In opera mini my GTM script is removed when I check the server:source why it so, that's affecting the traffic of the website.
kcinnick last edited by
@kcinnick, thanks for your report. Can you try some of the followings?
Restart Opera
Tap "Customize" and enable all the categories (There is a bug if you just disable Arts or Business, then Discover does not show articles)
Enable/Disable News in Settings > Advanced > Start page contentIt's high time this problem is fixed, because the news reader is much less usable if I cannot filter categories. Shouldn't you publish a quick fix for that? When is the next version expected?
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
@kcinnick, we've fixed the news reader issue in March (server side fix), so it should work no matter which categories are enabled or disabled.
kcinnick last edited by
@kcinnick, we've fixed the news reader issue in March (server side fix), so it should work no matter which categories are enabled or disabled.
Thanks, it does work. Though I don't how I should have known about this fix. It seemed like an app issue and I thought I had to wait for a new app version. There should be some notification for such bugs fixed outside of app downloads. But I'm glad it's working.
sivrej last edited by
Hey Opera team, why is it that when I try to click the "See more" on facebook mobile (I was using extreme mode) and then immediately switched to the other tab, and then went back to facebook, I find myself at the bottom of the page.