Bookmarks reorganized
aata1950 last edited by
I have lots of bookmarks, and finally i like how Opera wants to handle them.
The problem is that the sync function is so slow, so between my home computer and my job computer I never know if the bookmarks are fully updated (overnight).
AND from time to time all my folders are reorganized behind my back. When I opened my bookmarks today all my bookmark folders were duplicated 4-8 times, and their content varied, lots of them were empty and some containd folders from another theme. So I cannot trust Opera. I have lost a lot of information.
What is going on, actually, why are my bookmark collection changing all the time?
davidr last edited by
What version of Opera is involved here? I'm about to upgrade from v. 12.16(!) to the current version, and want to know whether the current version syncs bookmarks reliably.
If this refers to the current version of Opera, is it a widespread experience, or is it only happening to a few users? Is it worse on some versions of Windows than on others?
lando242 last edited by
You are. Read the Opera desktop blog. Its where they announce new releases, testing versions and most importantly known bugs.
aata1950 last edited by
Absolutely wrong, lando242. When you search info in the blog about bookmarks, there's only pusher articles to read. Nothing about bugs did I find. If you have a link, tell me.
lando242 last edited by
Here is an example of a changelog for Opera 33, which is part of the Opera Desktop blog announcement for its release from awhile ago. It has a list of fixed bugs attached to it, which I am linking here.
davidr last edited by
Back to the OP's problem (which I fear may be mine, now that I have Opera 32 running well on one computer and want to sync it to another computer and my phone): supposing one does not want to rely on the unreliable sync function, but wants to sync bookmarks, Speed Dial entries, passwords, and settings (if not necessarily browsing history and open tabs) manually, by copying the information from Opera on one computer (after it has closed) to a flash drive, Dropbox, etc., and then copying it to Opera on another computer? (Obviously this can't work for the phone.) What folders or individual files need to be copied? In C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable, I see Bookmarks, Custom Dictionary.txt, and Preferences, among others. Is that it? (I haven't installed any extensions.)
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
by copying the information from Opera on one computer (after it has closed) to a flash drive, Dropbox, etc., and then copying it to Opera on another computer?
If you are talking about equal versions of Opera then it should work except, maybe, for passwords because they are attached to your OS credentials and can't be used by a different user or in another computer.
What folders or individual files need to be copied?
Best thing to do is to copy the whole profile folder.
hankipanki last edited by
Personally I really hate that new bookmarks are at the top of the start page now, I use alot, and I mean alot of the same bookmarks repeatedly. Is there a was to back up to the previous version? I would hate to have to go to a different browser cause this is the kind of thing that brought me here to Opera to begin with.
lando242 last edited by
I really hate that new bookmarks are at the top of the start page now,
Uhh, what? You mean the speed dial?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Personally I really hate that new bookmarks are at the top of the start page now, I use alot, and I mean alot of the same bookmarks repeatedly. Is there a was to back up to the previous version? I would hate to have to go to a different browser cause this is the kind of thing that brought me here to Opera to begin with.
It's unrelated to this topic's subject so please open a new one or find another that covers the same issue.
davidr last edited by
What folders or individual files need to be copied?
Best thing to do is to copy the whole profile folder.
Is that C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable?
davidr last edited by
Just reporting that I synced Opera 32 to my Android phone for the first time, and it went very smoothly and successfully!
When I finally took a deep breath and signed in to my account (and found that my old logon worked fine), I discovered that I could control what to sync, which is excellent. I want my bookmarks on my phone, passwords not so much. Within a matter of minutes, everything was synced to the phone. I did have to discover the Other Speed Dials page on the phone, and then the Import all menu choice. But once I did so, my Opera 32 Speed Dial entries (most of them imported from Opera 12) and my bookmarks (also originally from Opera 12) appeared in the Speed Dial of the app on the phone. So far, so good. Next will be to do this on a laptop. So great to have all the bookmarks on my phone!