Slow loading on specific websites
sirwilli last edited by
Okay, now it takes 4 seconds to load it so much better but chrome does load it instantly.
sirwilli last edited by
Disabling hardware acceleration seems to not change anything.
Edit: btw, I have the same issue with opera forums as it is using the same service.
rolox2 last edited by
Came up instantly here, 33 beta
If you're logged in (or remain logged in w/cookie), then we aren't looking at the same page.
Region may be an issue...we might not be looking at the same page.
sirwilli last edited by
Okay, same here. Looks like I have to live with it then. At least it is faster then before.
digiface last edited by
Since that LAN settings option helped you some, you can also try some other network tweaks. Disable Windows TCP/IP auto-tuning.
You can also disable IPv6 on your network card, if you are not using IPv6.
Those are two options that might help with some network related issues.
emifil last edited by
I Have the same problema. I try to load and it is very slow. I dont know if it is a problem for the web or Opera.
sirwilli last edited by
Since that LAN settings option helped you some, you can also try some other network tweaks. Disable Windows TCP/IP auto-tuning.
You can also disable IPv6 on your network card, if you are not using IPv6.
Those are two options that might help with some network related issues.Both didn't changed anything.