Opera Mini 8 for Windows Phone
navendukumar last edited by
sir when we expect the opera mini to be back in stores need it at the earliest
sc0tty last edited by
The UI is quite alright but the speed is just unbearable. I mostly use the mobile InoReader site and that shouldn't be that big. Loads fine in IE but takes more than 15 seconds for each request on Mini (if it loads at all).
Sorry but this might be fine in the middle of nowhere but it shouldn't be like this over 4G or WiFi.
A Former User last edited by
sir when we expect the opera mini to be back in stores need it at the earliest
It's back in the store!
elxandre1 last edited by
Hi dev, disappointingly my opera hasn't been able to download anything at all, even a simple image file since the march update.
I feel like throwing my phone away at times.
Deleted User last edited by
As always, we would like for you to leave us your feedback here or via the ‘report issue’ option in settings
To bpydzinski & Opera Devs
In Opera Mini 8 beta 3 you introduced the following change: [WP-585] Address bar should be minimized during scrolling down
This auto-hide feature hides or shows top-bottom bar irritatingly during browsing when I try to scroll the screen back up. Address and bottom bar should stay static when scrolling up or down repeatedly.
I can't use the Opera Mini anymore. It looks like those nasty pop-up ads. How can I disable this auto-minimize feature?Add a setting to the preferences to disable auto-minimizing. Can the Opera do this?
yosachin last edited by
it is useless to minimize the bottom taskbar in opera mini. it just makes no sense to touch the three dots just to see the options which if not minimized should come in handy. instead you guys should add a full screen option to opera mini.
one more thing please bring opera sync to windows phone -
navendukumar last edited by
bpydzinski sir
goood morning happy till now with opera mini stable versionpl clarify when we should expect the book mark sycronisation
opera mini sometimes gets exit by otself when we open few website
pl include exit button to completely close opera application
pl include full screen option to make page viewable completely
opera mini needs even font stability certain website have small and certain have very big fonts
opera mini is very fast browser then any other browser even faster then uc as i have seen opera does load page but uc cant
sir we are just waiting for book mark sycronisation so we are in position to use our book mark
if u have some goood news pl update us
midhunko1996 last edited by
please provide some option to close current tabs like double tap on address bar etc.Some stability improvements also needed.
midhunko1996 last edited by
Well, everything was fine for the first few days, but now the app has become nearly useless. Crashing, some pages won't load. Please do work on it guys...
A Former User last edited by
Well, everything was fine for the first few days, but now the app has become nearly useless. Crashing, some pages won't load. Please do work on it guys...
Could you share your client id? We'll try to find what's wrong. You can find that value at the bottom of settings page.
reznorek last edited by
Small offtopic - my Lumia 925 brokedown finally
. I bought HTC M9 and guys - Opera on Android (Android itself aswell) it's a differnet world. Simply workng, syncing with PC and again - basically its doing job - loading for me web pages fast etc. WinPhone its like third world comparing to Android.
Good luck with Opera on WinPhone but you need a lot of luck... -
Deleted User last edited by
Does Opera have any plans to add optional master password for encrypting sync data before transfer?
Firefox has a good password-based sync security model.
See: https://blog.mozilla.org/services/2014/04/30/firefox-syncs-new-security-model/
rjnisha last edited by
bpydzinski sir goood morning
pl update us when we are getting opera mini update for windows with book mark sycronisation and also when should we expect this update
sir also windows 10 is coming shall we get one universal application pl do update us
give us some goood news
rjnisha last edited by
so when we should expect now the new opera update with sycronisation as it is almost 9 months and we need to have a proper update so when we are getting book mark facility pl technical team update
Deleted User last edited by
Well latest update was cool.
-Improved surf
-Private tabs
-Background themes
-Load images option
-Quick scrool optionAnd many I couldn't see. Now I can call this version beta instead of alpha. It still consumes too much CPU and CPU overheats.
There is still no default search engine option. Bing isn't there yet which I use. UI needs a makeup. As an Opera fanfor years, its good to see Opera becomes useful day by day.