Downloaded and installed Flash Player, but it still didn't work.
Deleted User last edited by
The example site should be
Deleted User last edited by
Oops... Why did the underscores in what I typed disappear automatically after I posted?
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Underscores are a reserved character in Markdown
You can post it as a code segment by putting it on a new line and preceding it by 4 spaces, as in:
... however, links probably won't highlight in code segments. If you want, you can put some descriptive text in brackets followed by the link in parentheses, as in
Of course, you could use backslashes to escape the underlines, but then it won't link properly:
The best approach - though probably to hard for newbies - would be to combine the last two; use the actual link with escaped underlines as the "descriptive text" in brackets, followed by the link (not escaped) in parentheses:
Edit: how about that, they all generate correct links! O.O
A Former User last edited by
Oops... Why did the underscores in what I typed disappear automatically after I posted?
Use bacticks (``) to display your input
as is
wherever you want inline: "Hello, Mr one_click!
". -
lando242 last edited by
Try visiting the site in a Private Window. Also check and make sure Opera Turbo is disabled.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
The example site should be
You can post links between <> to avoid this.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
When I visit, for example, it looks like this
Hmm, i remember have seen this issue a few times. What are your settings for plugins in Settings > Websites > plugins?
I don't know if what I am using is ppapi version.
Check by going to opera:plugins and clicking on "show details".
Deleted User last edited by
Thank you, leocg.
In Settings > Websites > plugins, the selected option is "Run all plug-in content (recommended)"
Under the entry "Adobe Flash Player (2)" in Opera > Developer > Plug-ins is("Disable" is a button, which means it is already enabled):
Adobe Flash Player (2)
Shockwave Flash 18.0 r0
DisableName: Shockwave Flash
Description: Shockwave Flash 18.0 r0
Location: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\pepflashplayer32_18_0_0_114.dll
Type: PPAPI (out-of-process)
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash .swf
application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player .spl
DisableName: Shockwave Flash
Description: Shockwave Flash 17.0 r0
Version: 17,0,0,169
Location: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_17_0_0_169.dll
MIME types:
MIME type Description File extensions
application/x-shockwave-flash Adobe Flash movie .swf
application/futuresplash FutureSplash movie .spl
Disable -
Deleted User last edited by
Yes, it does. I got a message saying "You haven't installed Flash Player. Click here to install it." (The original message was Chinese. I've translated it.) I'll click the "Here" link to install it. Thanks.
billy141 last edited by
how do u do this with a fresh install of 7 and opera and java because its picked up silverlight and flash but never finds java on my machine can someone just tell me where to add dir please
many thanks for any help guys
lando242 last edited by
Java needs separate installs for 32 and 64-bit programs. So, if you installed the 64-bit version you will also need to install the 32-bit versions. Give that a shot.
ianp5a last edited by
Question: I have both Opera 12 and 29 on Kubuntu 15.04 (x86_64; KDE). Flash works on Opera 12. But not on my new install of Opera 29 with the message "Adobe Flash Player is missing."
I already have Restricted extras and Adobe Flash plug in installed in the Software centre. What else can I do? Thanks. -
A Former User last edited by
@ianp5a You need the PPAPI version for the new Opera. (pepperflashplugin-nonfree)
ianp5a last edited by
Oops I posted in the wrong area.
Thanks I found pepperflashplugin-nonfree in the software manager, installed it and it all works OK.