Opera Mini 8 beta 6 for Android
jacques18 last edited by
Halo, l like the new Opera Mini beta but i have 2 promblems with it, first if i download music or vidoes on it, it will not show in my phones gallery and second scrolling is not as smooth as the prev. opera mini, but otherwise its great.
baunz last edited by
Am having trouble loading some sites.... it takes two or three clicks for them to load... first i get a blank white page... then the 2nd or third try i get the home page.... before now the page loads completely.... In some sites too... it takes constant reloading to open a the same link....
Deleted User last edited by
@baunz Yes, but doesn't necessary means that is a bad thing. We will see tomorrow what's cookin now.
twallstrom last edited by
@leocg Right! Html5test mark 198 points so html5 video api is detected.
Yes, we upgraded the mini servers a few days ago. Please let us know if you are experiencing any new issues related to this upgrade.
Deleted User last edited by
Not with Opera Mini, some pages are loaded with a mobile player layout instead desktop and others shows only a small window with play button but I guess that in this manner playable media will be shown in the next version at some extent (with an unified precise player 'signature' I hope). Opera Mini will pass over ads layer (tracker type) to direct link however if Opera Max will follow the same pattern as for 4.36 server update then will brake some links. Site example: www.filmeonline2013.biz (player with Chrome buttons); moviki.ru window player will be detected (opera mini) but with a full browser the ads layer will be loaded first and play button doesn't work once ads are loaded in background (opera max). That is a wild guess but I've seen that two weeks ago when connection was backed by Opera Max and I'm sure that this behaviour is unintended. Since I found a way to see a 720px html5 streamed video via 8080/4042 ports with 3G connection (360kbps bandwidth) I don't think that Opera Mini preloaded media will be on top as user experience. If a stream line over 8888 port will work with Opera Mini that will be great.
chillinfart last edited by
Exist a solution to recover Opera Link bookmarks? Testing Opera Mini 8 in my Motorola XT316 (Android 2.3.5 currently) it no longer accepts a downgrade, Mini 7.6.4 stucks when it syncs with Link so i'm forced to stay in the new version.
I got the same issue in desktop version. Could be good at least an "export to HTML" option in Link to migrate.
Deleted User last edited by
Exist a solution to recover Opera Link bookmarks?
Yes it does, mini8 can copy the sync file from latest ginko when both are installed on the same phone but I'm afraid that chances to reproduce that on several devices are very low.
Deleted User last edited by
I'n fact importing bookmarks (dials too) should work properly once short hangs issues (speeddials sync) are fixed after few restarts with Opera Mini 7. A dialog for bookmarks import will show up then with Opera Mini beta 8 (being allready installed) followed by install fascia.
vigneshlin last edited by
for the past one week i have some problems may be due to om server upgrade.
when browsing by single column view option selected and bitmap font option enabled, or makes font display in pages are very large abnormally.kindly check it
ornelien last edited by
Very good this release this is a complet new opera mini since the release of opera mini 5. The only thing I notice till now is the opera link which don't' want to sync my bookmarks. I am using opera mini on the SFR staraddict 3