opera email... Can I uninstall the old opera without losing data?
operadoggy last edited by
Hi there, hope this is posted in the right place... I'm a noob to this stuff.
I have just installed Opera27 and also OperaMail onto this machine after using Opera version 12.17 for absolutely YEARS....
And OperaMail has happily imported my email data (2.5Gbytes of it) from the old Opera installation and it's all there, which makes me very happy...
So my questions:-
- If I uninstall the old opera 12.17 will it delete all that historical email data, or has OperaMail made its own new copy of all that data?
- When I uninstall Opera12.17 will it leave a copy of that 2.5Gbytes of email data as garbage that I have to find and remove manually?
Than you for your patience and time, and for an excellent FREE email client.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
You should be fine. But, if you want to be extra safe.
You can look for Opera 12.17's data at "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Opera\Opera" and "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Opera\Opera" (assuming the folder in program files that you installed to was named "Opera"). While Opera Mail and Opera are closed, you can just rename "\Opera\Opera" to "\Opera\Opera off" for both of those. Then, start Opera Mail and if all is well, you can just delete those folders to clean up things. Then, you can uninstall Opera 12.17 if you want as all your mail will be in "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\mail".
But, if you've been using the old Opera for a really long time, all the data for Opera 12.17 might be in "\Opera\profile" in the program files folder.
Also, in "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail\Opera Mail\operaprefs.ini", unless you're using a custom mail folder location, you should make sure that there's no "Mail Root Directory" line under the "[mail]" section. If you are using a custom mail folder location, make sure the path for the mail root directory is correct on that line and back up the mail folder at that path before you run the 12.17 install process. That way, if anything funky happens, it's a quick fix.